2:00 P.M.
Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
- Approval of Minutes
- Approval of Add-Ons:
(Item 19) Approve Resolution granting the President authority to sign and submit all necessary documents in connection with the CDBG Mitigation Program for the Mermentau Basin Inundation Relief Project
(Item 20) Authorize parish staff to work on parish time for the Long Term Recovery Group and hire a part time intern for administrative duties
(Item 21)Authority to add Lead Off Hand Position and fire and water certification supplemental pay to the Road & Bridge Classifications
(Item 22) Authority to advertise for hiring of Cameron Police Jury Engineer
(Item 23) Executive Session – Priola vs CPPJ – Conflict of Interest - Drilling & Pipeline Permits:
a. LA Storage, LLC – Hackberry, Lat 30 00 05.39, Long -93 24 58.21, (proposed LA Storage LLC (LAS), a subsidiary of Sempra LNG, requesting reauthorization of P20141071; proposes to construct, own, operate, and maintain a new natural gas salt dome facility and associated compression and pipeline facilities. Project involves conversation of (3) existing salt dome caverns to natural gas storage service and development of (1) new salt dome cavern for additional natural gas storage service located within permanent natural gas storage facility. In addition to the storage caverns, LAS will construct and operate on site compression facilities (Pelican Compressor Station), approx. 5.2 miles of 42-inch bi-directional natural gas pipeline connecting the storage facilities to the Cameron Interstate Pipeline (CIP), approx. 11.4 miles of 42-inch bi-directional natural gas pipeline connecting the storage facilities to the Port Arthur Pipeline Louisiana Connector (PAPLC) and approx. 6.6 miles of 16-inch brine disposal pipeline that will transport brine from the caverns to (4) saltwater disposal wells. Project also involves construction of up to (6) solution mining water supply wells at three locations, meter stations at the interconnects with the CIP and the PAPLC, and other ancillary facilities related to natural gas storage and transportation), Cameron Parish, LA. (210306) - Other Permits:
a. Third Louisiana Resource, LLC – Grand Lake, Section 4, T11S, R8W, (proposed installation of 3 low water crossings within the Petit Bois Mitigation Bank Addendum One (Bank) needed to relieve excessive, long-term inundation in certain areas of the Petit Bois Mitigation Bank that has negatively impacted tree growth and survivorship; project requires excavations of a 30 ft.(L) x 20 ft(W) x 2.5 ft(D) section of existing drainage canal levee at each low water crossing location following excavation, approx. 22 cubic yards of limestone riprap to be placed 30 ft.(L) x 20 ft.(W) x 1 ft.(H) in each low water crossing excavation as rock armor to prevent and reduce erosion, totaling 66 cubic yards of limestone riprap placed on site), Cameron Parish, LA. (210301)
b. Fieldwood Energy, LLC – Grand Chenier, Section 39, T15S, R6W, (proposed emergency after-the-fact permit application for clean-up spilled hydrocarbons from damaged storage/processing tanks caused by the force of Hurricane Laura; EUA20-046), Cameron Parish, LA. (210302)
c. Domatti M. A. Management Trust – Johnson Bayou, Cameron Meadows Oilfield Rd., Sections 27 & 28, T15S, R13W, (proposed Cameron Meadows environmental investigation; performance of boring for a site investigation from crude oil release to assess environmental conditions), Cameron Parish, LA. (210303)
d. Roy Bailey Construction, Inc. – Creole, Off Trosclair Rd., Section 4 & 5, T15S, R8W, (proposed reclamation of two (2) existing borrow pits, utilized for the disposal of Hurricane debris that consist of woodwaste/CD waste to prevent further unnecessary damage to Trosclair Rd. This will result in approximately 230,000 cy of woodwaste/CD waste and 56,900 cy of hauled in fill material), Cameron Parish, LA (210304)
e. ExxonMobil Environmental & Property Solutions – Holly Beach, 5001 Hwy 27, Section 28, T14S, R10W, (proposed removal of two (2) driveways, northern & central and 300 ft. of chainlink fence from former East Mud Lake Compressor Station, demolished in 2015-16 (P20101308) - Appointments:
a. Recreation District No. 6 – Remove Matthew Rodrigue, (moved out of parish), appoint Kasey Brown for remainder of term (Tabled from Last Month)
b. Beachfront Development District No. 2 – Kim Murphy, term expired
c. Recreation District No. 9 – Cassie LeBleu, term expired
d. Water Works District No. 11 – Gerald Richard, term expired
e. Library Board of Control – Appoint Wendy Harrington to Johnson Bayou open seat - Accept Bids for White Good Services for 2021
- President authority to sign Resolution to appoint Katie Armentor to a 2-year term as a Director representing the Cameron Parish Police Jury on the Louisiana Community Development Authority (LCDA) Board
- President authority to sign Resolution Authorizing Rural Public Transit to file an application with Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development for a grant under 49 CFR 5311, Formula Grant for Rural Areas and 49 CFR 5310, Formula Grants for Enhanced Mobility of Seniors, and Individuals with Disabilities
- President authority to sign Resolution to the Commissioner of Insurance James “Jim” Donelon and the SWLA Legislative Delegation requesting administrative and/or legislative action to address issues related to hurricane damage & to require greater clarity & transparency be provided by homeowners’ insurers and agents in the State of Louisiana
- President authority to sign Resolution of Support for CWPPRA Priority Project List 31
- Approve Cameron Council on Aging Meal Program Appropriation $12,000
- Authorize payment for 2021 annual membership dues to Parishes Advocating for Coastal Endurance (PACE) $5,000
- Authority to advertise for Request for Qualification Statements for Engineering services including but not limited to, engineering drawings, surveying services, substantial damage estimates, & geotechnical services
- Authorize administrator to file necessary documents opting the Parish to allow indoor, on premises consumption of any food or beverages if the parish has a community spread COVID-19 positivity rate of 5% or less for 2 consecutive weeks
- Pay Bills
- Approve Resolution granting the President authority to sign and submit all necessary documents in connection with the CDBG Mitigation Program for the Mermentau Basin Inundation Relief Project*
- Authorize parish staff to work on parish time for the Long-Term Recovery Group and hire a part time intern for administrative duties*
- Authority to add Lead Off Hand Position and fire and water certification supplemental pay to the Road & Bridge Classifications*
- Authority to advertise for hiring of Cameron Police Jury Engineer*
- Executive Session – Priola vs CPPJ – Conflict of Interest*
Adjourn Meeting
* Indicating Add-ons