2:00 P.M.

Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
  3. Executive Session:
    1. Hurricane Insurance Discussion
    2. Litigation South Fork Properties vs Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage Dist. No. 8
  5. Approval of Minutes
  6. Approval of Add-Ons:
  7. Drilling & Pipeline Permits:
    1. Hilcorp Energy Company – Hackberry, Section 12 & 13, T14S, R12W, (proposed to install 4-inch flowline serving the Miami #109 Well at the Second Bayou Field.), Cameron Parish, LA. (221201)
  8. Other Permits:
    1. Justin Fontenot – Lowry, 123 Gary Landing, (proposed to install vinyl bulkhead to protect property from further erosion.), Cameron Parish, LA. (221202)
    2. ConocoPhillips Company – Johnson Bayou, Latitude 29 43 49.29, Longitude -93 47 32.91, (proposed 20 geotechnical borings needed to collect soil samples and document subsurface lithology for preparation of a larger project.), Cameron Parish, LA. (221203)
    3. ANR Pipeline Company – Hogs Bayou Site, Latitude 29 43 31.52, Longitude -92 59 27.43; Kings Bayou Site, Latitude 29 51 13.76, Longitude -93 6 44.48, (proposed TN/ANR Hogs Bayou Kings Bayou, MP0 to MP12.8, NPS 12-LA; work is required to launch and receive in-line pipeline inspection tools to assess safety and reliability of pipeline segment at Hogs Bayou (Launch Site) and Kings Bayou (Receiver Site) in order to return it to service post-hurricane.), Cameron Parish, LA. (221204)
    4. Michael Green – 137 Christy Drive, Hackberry, (proposed to develop an elevated 16 x 80 manufactured home to include 10 x 75 gravel driveway to include culvert. This will result in approximately 185 cubic yards of fill material to be utilized for construction of driveway and house pad.), Cameron Parish, LA. (221205)
    5. Cameron Preservation Alliance – Johnson Bayou, Lighthouse Bayou, Section 32, T15S, R15W, (proposed Sabine Pass Lighthouse Access; installation of a temporary bridge is needed to facilitate of a stairwell in order to carry 96 steps and an iron door across the bayou along with equipment.), Cameron Parish, LA. (221206)
    6. Golden Gulf Energy Corporation – Off Briar Lane, Grand Lake, Section 21, 12S, R8W; Section 16, 12S, 8W, (proposed after-the-fact clearing approximately 7.35 acres of undesirable tallow trees, hurricane damaged trees, and hurricane debris. Property is being cleared for cattle grazing.), Cameron Parish, LA. (221207)
  9. Appointments:
    1. Lower Cameron Hospital Service District – TABLED FROM LAST MONTH
    2. Cameron Parish Port Harbor & Terminal District – TABLED FROM LAST MONTH
  10. Allocation approval for $720 for Chamber Southwest Banquet
  11. Approval 2023 Police Jury Meeting Schedule
  12. Approval 2023 Police Jury Holidays
  13. Approve Budget Amendments for December 2022
  14. Adopt Cameron Parish Police Jury Budget for Year Ending December 31, 2023
  15. Approval of 2023 Parishes Advocating for Coastal Endurance (PACE) annual membership dues in the amount of $5,000.00
  16. Accept Bids for 2023
    1. Limestone
    2. Dust Control
    3. White Goods
  17. Public Hearing and take appropriate actions concerning Adoption of Cameron Parish Police Jury Redistricting Ordinance
  18. Acceptance to proceed on Batch 3 PPDR Demo Properties, once contractor is procured and contract is signed
  19. Authority for Building Inspector to send Notice of Condemnation Hearing to all properties on Condemnation list for PPDR program Batch 4
  20. Accept Johnson Bayou Library Post Hurricane Restoration LOC 52 for wheelchair lift and monument sign as substantial complete
  21. Approve Proces Verbal/Promulgation Resolution of proposition presented to voters in the election held November 8, 2022, for the Road & Bridge Maintenance Ad Valorem tax renewal of 6.61 mills for the purpose of improving, maintaining, constructing, and repairing road and bridges in the Parish
  22. Approval of 1 year contract extension with Ceres for debris removal
  23. Approval of 1 year contract extension with Rostan for debris monitoring
  24. Authority to advertise to abandon the last approximately 85 feet, extending into Hoffpauir Property, of Parish Road 129, River Road, Lowry, LA
  25. President authority to execute necessary documents to accept the donation of the Boat Launch on Davis Rd. from Venture Global.
  26. Review and accept the monthly financial statements and budget to actual comparison
  27. Pay Bills

Adjourn Meeting

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