2:00 P.M.
Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
- Executive Session:
- Hurricane Insurance Discussion
- Litigation South Fork Properties vs Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage Dist. No. 8
- Approval of Minutes
- Approval of Add-Ons:
- Drilling & Pipeline Permits:
- Hilcorp Energy Company – Hackberry, Section 12 & 13, T14S, R12W, (proposed to install 4-inch flowline serving the Miami #109 Well at the Second Bayou Field.), Cameron Parish, LA. (221201)
- Other Permits:
- Justin Fontenot – Lowry, 123 Gary Landing, (proposed to install vinyl bulkhead to protect property from further erosion.), Cameron Parish, LA. (221202)
- ConocoPhillips Company – Johnson Bayou, Latitude 29 43 49.29, Longitude -93 47 32.91, (proposed 20 geotechnical borings needed to collect soil samples and document subsurface lithology for preparation of a larger project.), Cameron Parish, LA. (221203)
- ANR Pipeline Company – Hogs Bayou Site, Latitude 29 43 31.52, Longitude -92 59 27.43; Kings Bayou Site, Latitude 29 51 13.76, Longitude -93 6 44.48, (proposed TN/ANR Hogs Bayou Kings Bayou, MP0 to MP12.8, NPS 12-LA; work is required to launch and receive in-line pipeline inspection tools to assess safety and reliability of pipeline segment at Hogs Bayou (Launch Site) and Kings Bayou (Receiver Site) in order to return it to service post-hurricane.), Cameron Parish, LA. (221204)
- Michael Green – 137 Christy Drive, Hackberry, (proposed to develop an elevated 16 x 80 manufactured home to include 10 x 75 gravel driveway to include culvert. This will result in approximately 185 cubic yards of fill material to be utilized for construction of driveway and house pad.), Cameron Parish, LA. (221205)
- Cameron Preservation Alliance – Johnson Bayou, Lighthouse Bayou, Section 32, T15S, R15W, (proposed Sabine Pass Lighthouse Access; installation of a temporary bridge is needed to facilitate of a stairwell in order to carry 96 steps and an iron door across the bayou along with equipment.), Cameron Parish, LA. (221206)
- Golden Gulf Energy Corporation – Off Briar Lane, Grand Lake, Section 21, 12S, R8W; Section 16, 12S, 8W, (proposed after-the-fact clearing approximately 7.35 acres of undesirable tallow trees, hurricane damaged trees, and hurricane debris. Property is being cleared for cattle grazing.), Cameron Parish, LA. (221207)
- Appointments:
- Lower Cameron Hospital Service District – TABLED FROM LAST MONTH
- Cameron Parish Port Harbor & Terminal District – TABLED FROM LAST MONTH
- Allocation approval for $720 for Chamber Southwest Banquet
- Approval 2023 Police Jury Meeting Schedule
- Approval 2023 Police Jury Holidays
- Approve Budget Amendments for December 2022
- Adopt Cameron Parish Police Jury Budget for Year Ending December 31, 2023
- Approval of 2023 Parishes Advocating for Coastal Endurance (PACE) annual membership dues in the amount of $5,000.00
- Accept Bids for 2023
- Limestone
- Dust Control
- White Goods
- Public Hearing and take appropriate actions concerning Adoption of Cameron Parish Police Jury Redistricting Ordinance
- Acceptance to proceed on Batch 3 PPDR Demo Properties, once contractor is procured and contract is signed
- Authority for Building Inspector to send Notice of Condemnation Hearing to all properties on Condemnation list for PPDR program Batch 4
- Accept Johnson Bayou Library Post Hurricane Restoration LOC 52 for wheelchair lift and monument sign as substantial complete
- Approve Proces Verbal/Promulgation Resolution of proposition presented to voters in the election held November 8, 2022, for the Road & Bridge Maintenance Ad Valorem tax renewal of 6.61 mills for the purpose of improving, maintaining, constructing, and repairing road and bridges in the Parish
- Approval of 1 year contract extension with Ceres for debris removal
- Approval of 1 year contract extension with Rostan for debris monitoring
- Authority to advertise to abandon the last approximately 85 feet, extending into Hoffpauir Property, of Parish Road 129, River Road, Lowry, LA
- President authority to execute necessary documents to accept the donation of the Boat Launch on Davis Rd. from Venture Global.
- Review and accept the monthly financial statements and budget to actual comparison
- Pay Bills
Adjourn Meeting