11:00 A.M.
Grand Lake Elementary School
1039 Hwy 384
Lake Charles, LA 70607
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
- Approval of Minutes
- Approval of Add-ons:
- Other Permits:
a. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Oak Grove, Section 31, T14S,
R7W; Section 32, T14S, R7W, (proposed to perform maintenance dredging along 3,894
LF drainage lateral “C”), Cameron Parish, LA. (200901)
b. Armand Richard, V – East Lane, Mermentau River, Grand Chenier, Section 1, T15S,
R6W, (proposed replacement of existing dock due to deterioration), Cameron Parish, LA.
c. Ken Mudd – Mermentau River Road, Grand Chenier, Section 2, T15S, R6W,
(proposed reconstruction of existing dock due to deterioration), Cameron Parish, LA.
d. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Creole, Section 24, 14S, R7W;
Section 19, T14S, R6W, (proposed to perform maintenance dredging along Duke
Lateral), Cameron Parish, LA. (200904)
e. Cameron Parish Police Jury – Creole, (proposed emergency use authorization to cut the
Old Mermentau River as a flood outlet to provide flood relief caused by Hurricane
Laura), Cameron Parish, LA. (200905) - Appointments:
a. Fire Protection District No. 1 – tabled from previous months
b. Fire Protection District No. 9 – tabled from previous months
c. Lower Cameron Hospital District No. 1 – Appoint Tredale Boudreaux
d. Waterworks District No. 9 – Appoint Terri Theriot
e. Recreation District No. 6 – Chris Hebert, term expired. Tabled from last month
f. Recreation District No. 6 – Scott Primeaux, term expired. Tabled from last month
g. Gravity Drainage District No. 5 – Phillip”Scooter” Trosclair, term expired. Reappoint
h. Mosquito Abatement – Delia “DeDe” Sanders, term expired
i. E-911 Board Ward 1 Klondike/Lowery – Scott Weekley, term expired
j. E-911 Board Ward 2 Grand Chenier – Terri Theriot, term expired. Reappoint
k. E-911 Board Ward 3 Cameron – Leo Dyson, term expired
l. E-911 Board Ward 4 Grand Lake – Ronald Nunez, Jr, term expired
m. E-911 Board Ward 5 Johnson Bayou – Russell Badon, term expired
n. E-911 Board Parish Wide – Martial Young, term expired - Authority to Advertise for Request for Proposals:
a. RFP for Limestone
b. RFP for Dust Control
c. RFP for White Goods - Approve Insurance Quotes for General Liability, Commercial Auto, and Worker’s
Compensation - Authorize Energy Transfer to cut hard surfaced Parish Road No. 557, Sarasota Avenue
to perform repairs on the 36″ Stingray Pipeline and to perform lowering operations.
Energy Transfer agrees to restore roadway to its existing condition upon completion of
all work. - Adopt Resolution to Schedule Election on March 20, 2021, for Fire Protection District
No. 14 tax renewal/continuation - Adopt Resolution to schedule election on March 20, 2021, for Fire Protection District No.
15 tax renewal/continuation - Pay Bills
Adjourn Meeting
* Indicating Add-ons