4:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Approval of Add-ons:
5. Drilling & Pipeline Permits:
a. TransCameron Pipeline, LLC – Cameron, Various Sections, T14S,T15S, R6W,
R9W, (proposed to construct and operate a natural gas pipeline to bring feed gas
to a proposed liquefied natural gas export terminal from existing pipeline starting
at ANR Bridgeline Meter Station to end at Venture Global Property), Cameron
Parish, LA. (161001)
b. Hilcorp Energy Company – Deep Lake Field, Section 12, T16S, R4W-R3W,
(proposed emergency use authorization to replace approximately 6,305 ft. of 4-
inch flowline), Cameron Parish, LA. (161006)
6. Other Permits:
a. Venture Global Calcasieu Pass, LLC – Cameron, Davis Rd., Section 36 & 37,
T15S, R10W, Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8, T15S, R9W, (proposed to construct and
operate a liquefied natural gas export facility; project includes a ring a
combination floodwall and marine berm, dredging, marine structures, shoreline
stabilization, access road, plant infrastructure and work associated with the
construction of pipeline lateral submitted by TransCameron Pipeline, LLC),
Cameron Parish, LA. (161002)
b. BP America Production Company – Grand Lake,. Willie Granger Rd., Section 02,
T12S, R9W, (proposed to perform additional environmental assessment of the
Funderburk and Gaspard properties), Cameron Parish, LA (161003)
c. Allen Singletary – Big Lake Oliver St., Section 10, T12S, R9W, (proposed to
construct wharf and boathouse for recreational use), Cameron Parish, LA.
d. Golden Pass Products, LLC – Johnson Bayou, Sections 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, T15S,
R15W, (proposed to conduct maintenance dredging of the existing Golden Pass
import terminal’s ship slip to allow for LNG carrier access to facility and in
addition, new dredging required to construct a supply dock and float channels in
support of the Golden Pass Products LNG Export Project (GPX Project), all
dredged material to be placed at existing Sabine-Neches Navigational District
managed Dredged Material Placement Areas (DMPAs PA-5A and 5C), Cameron
Parish, LA. (161005)
e. BP America Production Company – Big Lake, Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, T12S, R9W,
(proposed to perform environmental assessment at the Brewer Properties Site
(Area 3) to evaluate environmental conditions related to historic oil and gas
exploration and production activities), Cameron Parish, LA. (161007)
f. BP America Production Company – Big Lake, Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, T12S, R9W,
(proposed to perform environmental assessment at the Brewer Properties Site
(Areas 1, 2 & 4 ) to evaluate environmental conditions related to historic oil and
gas exploration and production activities), Cameron Parish, LA. (161008)
g. Mary O. Long Et Al – Mallard Bay Gas Field, Section 23, T13S, R3W, (proposed
earthen dam (70’L x 20’W x 11’H) to be replaced that was previously removed
for oil & gas activities, material to be dredged from open waters), Cameron
Parish, LA. (161009)
h. BP America Production Company – Grand Lake, End of Nicci Ln., Sections2 &
11, T12S, T9W, (proposed site remedial activities, approximately 0.68 acres
conducted on Nash property), Cameron Parish, LA. (161010)
7. Appointments:
a. Library Board – Kathy Helmer term expired
b. Waterworks District No. 2 – Brad Hinton term expired
c. Hackberry Recreation District – Kenny Welch resigned, appoint Travis Welch
d. Gravity Drainage No. 3 – Replace Scott Primeaux with James R Boudreaux
8. President Authority to Sign:
a. Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with West Cameron Port for 3 Years Funding
for Operations
b. Resolution for LGAP Funding for 2017-2018 from Office of Community
c. MOU with GOHSEP for Sub-recipient Funding Agreement for Emergency
Declaration FEMA-DR-4277 Severe Flooding Event
9. Authority to Advertise:
a. Bids for Cameron Fisheries Equipment (LCDBG – Waterfront Grant)
b. Bids for Cameron Courthouse Renovations (LCDBG)
c. Bids for Overlay of Grand Chenier Park Road (LGAP)
10. Approve Change Order No. 1 – Big Burn Spillway Project No. 2013-71 –
Increase Contract Time 120 days
11. Authority to Apply for State Capital Outlay Funding
12. Adopt Resolution authorizing the President to execute Cooperative Endeavor
Agreement between the Parish and DOTD to pursue supplemental construction
funds for Access to Monkey Island Project
13. Authorize Administration to Negotiate a PILOT Agreement on behalf of
the Cameron Parish Police Jury with Cameron LNG and Authorize the President
to Sign said Agreement with Cameron LNG
14. Amend Resolution from August 4, 2015 Regarding Sale of Channelview Property
in Hackberry to name Curtis Fountain as Authorized Signer on any and all
15. Pay Bills