4:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Approval of Add-ons
5. Other Permits:
a. Chevron EMC – Johnson Bayou, Sabine Gas Plant Terminal, (proposed
Praxair Facility Decommission; excavation of concrete foundations and
removal of a vertical concrete sound wall and associated concrete pilings
all of which is part of the nitrogen storage and gasification facility),
Cameron Parish, LA. (160501)
b. David Conner – Creole, Section 20, T14S, R6W, (proposed recapping
existing levee/cattlewalk for agriculture purposes damaged by Hurricane
Rita and Ike), Cameron Parish, LA. (160502)
c. EnergyQuest Management, LLC – Creole, Section 13, T14S, R7W,
(proposed P&A Miami Well No. 005-D to be removed and removal of
associated equipment, degradation of ring levees and access road
previously permitted under P19820516), Cameron Parish, LA. (160503)
d. Marvin W. Garrett – Hackberry, Off Christy Ln, Section 44, T12S, R10W,
(proposed hauling in fill dirt, pouring 40×40 concrete driveway, and a
50×60 concrete slab for personal fishing camp), Cameron Parish, LA.
e. Transcontinental Pipe Line Company LLC – Johnson Bayou, Section 22,
T15S, R13W, (proposed construction of a 30 ft. meteorological monitoring
tower within the Transco Facility in order to asses ambient air pollutant
concentrations and measure the impact that meteorological conditions
have on these concentrations), Cameron Parish, LA. (160505)
f. The Belltech Group, Inc. – Cameron, South of Calcasieu Ship
Channel, Section 26, T14S, R10W, (proposed installation of bulkhead,
dolphin piles, fill area placements, and dredging of boat slips for surface
of limestone materials and other construction supplies and equipment
referred to as BellTech A, B, C, D, & E Docks), Cameron Parish, LA. (160506)
g. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Creole, Section 27-29,
T14S, R7W, (proposed to perform maintenance dredging along
approximately 16, 141 linear feet of existing drainage lateral (Snake Bayou)
to provide adequate drainage), Cameron Parish, LA. (160507)
h. Sabine Pass LNG, LP – Johnson Bayou, Section 18, T15S, R15W, (proposed
Sabine Pass Main Entrance Project; (proposed construction of new access
driveway off State Hwy. 82, new deceleration lane associated with the
driveway, a visitor parking lot, sidewalks, and widening existing Lighthouse
Road at the entrance project area), Cameron Parish, LA. (160508)
6. Appointments:
a. Waterworks Dist. No. 1 – James Boudreaux term expired
b. Gravity Drainage District No. 5 – Ted Joanen term expired
c. Gravity Drainage District No. 5 – Jimmy Roberts term expired
d. Gravity Drainage District No. 5 – Billy Doland term expired
e. Gravity Drainage District No. 5 – Karl Nunez term expired
f. Recreation Dist. No. 6 – Jessica Skipper resigned, appoint Crystal
g. Recreation Dist. No. 7 – James Duhon term expired
h. Recreation Dist. No. 7 – T-Mike Conner term expired
i. Recreation Dist. No. 7 – Anna Murphy term expired
j. Waterworks Dist. No. 11 – Carl Granger term expired
k. Waterworks Dist. No. 11 – Bryan Granger term expired
l. Ambulance Dist. No. 1 – Appoint Phyllis Pinch to open seat
m. Fire District No. 9 – Appoint Susan Fawvor to open seat
n. Fire District No. 9 – Appoint Mark Leboeuf to open seat
7. President Authority to Sign Resolution Authorizing Application for 2015-
2016 CWEF Grant
8. Resolution of Support for HB 670 in 2016 Louisiana Legislative Session
9. Authority to Advertise to Abandon Parish Roads:
a. Parish Road 555 – Punta Gorda Road
b. Parish Road 556 – Tarpon Springs Road
10. Promulgate the Results of Election for Hackberry Fire Bond Issue on
April 9, 2016
11. Appoint Cameron Parish Representative to Calcasieu Human Service
12. Designation of Records Retention Officer
13. Authority to Procure Office Equipment and Vehicle through LGAP
14. Executive Session – Litigation (Boyd Boudreaux)
15. Pay Bills