2:00 P.M.

Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
  3. Election of President
  4. Election of Vice-President
  6. Kim Montie – Cameron Parish Port Update (Information only no action needed)
  7. Butler Bourgeois – Insurance Building Renewal (Information only no action needed)
  8. Review Voting Agenda Items
  9. Motion to appoint Parish Administrator
  10. Motion to appoint Parish Secretary
  11. Motion to appoint Parish Treasurer
  12. Executive Session – Hurricane Insurance Litigation Discussion
  13. Motion to Adopt Minutes from December 2023 meetings
  14. Motion to Approve Drilling Permits:
    1. OnStream CO2, LLC – Johnson Bayou, Section 21, T15S, R13W, (Johnson Bayou Prospect Well No. 1; proposes to install and maintain a proposed land based drilling rig in order to drill a test well under an OOC IMD Class V strat test well for possible carbon sequestration), Cameron Parish, LA. (240101)
    2. ConocoPhillips Company – Johnson Bayou, Latitude 29°44’37.42”, Longitude -93°47’58.55”, (Project Gumbo South; proposes to install an appraisal well to perform site characterization operations to further evaluate the sut below the well pad site and access the viability of injection and permanent geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide), Cameron Parish, LA. (240102)
  15. Motion to Approve Other Permits:
    1. Apache Corporation – Grand Chenier, Latitude 29°40’47.77”, Longitude -93°0’55.22”, (West Cameron Block 33 “N” Structure; proposes to abandon 2” pipeline from state water surface East Cameron 2 to offshore federal platform West Cameron 33 “N”), Cameron Parish, LA. (240103)
    2. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Grand Chenier, Sections 3,4,5, T15S, R07W, (proposes to perform maintenance dredging along 23,565 linear feet of drainage Lateral “N” to provide adequate drainage), Cameron Parish, LA. (240104)
  16. Motion to Approve Appointments:
    1. E-911 Board – Ronald Nunez, Jr. resigned, appoint Joey Babineaux for remainder of term
    2. Waterworks Dist. 2 – Micheal Fewell resigned, appoint Brian Brown for remainder of term
    3. Hackberry Fire Dist. 1 – Ricky Maddox resigned\
    4. Library Board of Control – Beth Fergerson, term expired (Tabled from November)
    5. Johnson Bayou Recreation District – Heath Jinks, resigned. Appoint Adam Young
  17. Motion to Approve President Authority to Sign:
    1. Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with SWLAHEC to staff Cameron parish Health Unit through December 2024
  18. Motion to Approve Resolutions/Proclamations:
    1. R 1186 – Authorization of submittal of views& comments on the design for State Project No.:H.015493 Muria Road over Little Chenier Bayou Bridge, Cameron Parish
  19. Motion to Approve 2024 Meeting Schedule
  20. Motion to approve 2024 Holiday Schedule
  21. Motion to approve ratification of Lease Signed with La. Fur & Wildlife Festival by parish administrator, December 6, 2023
  22. Motion to approve change orders:
    1. COR 001 – Cameron Creole Maintenance Barn & Livestock Pavilion LOC 59,37 for additional wood framing. Increase contract amount by $7,924.00, no change in contract time
    2. COR 003 – Grand Lake Maintenance Barn LOC 42 for additional fencing due to adjustments in septic tank sewer piping. Increase contract amount by $1,107.00, increase contract time by 1 day
    3. COR 004 – Grand Lake Maintenance Barn LOC 42 for electrical power to septic tank due to BFP relocation. Increase contract amount by $2,905.00, increase contract time by 3 days
  23. Review & Motion to accept the monthly financial statements & budget to actual comparison
  24. Motion that approved bills be paid

Adjourn Meeting

View the official agenda here.