11:00 A.M. (or at conclusion of Morning Agenda Meeting)

Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
  3. Election of President
  4. Election of Vice-President
  5. Appointment of Parish Administrator
  6. Appointment of Parish Secretary
  7. Appointment of Parish Treasurer
  9. Motion to Adopt December 2024 meeting minutes
  10. Motion to Approve Add-Ons:
  11. Motion to Approve Other Permits:
    1. ERM – Grand Chenier, Crab Lake, (proposed environmental site investigation in Crab Lake, South Grand Chenier, and Second Lake Oil and Gas Fields which will include soil/sediment sampling and temporary monitoring wells), Cameron Parish, LA. (250101)
    2. Kenneth Phillip Conner – Sweetlake, West of the Cameron Prairie National Wildlife Visitor’s Center, Section 29, T12S, R7W, (proposed installation of a small water well in order to help add water to a low-lying area utilized as a small pond on property for duck hunting), Cameron Parish, LA. (250102)
    3. 8 S, LLC – Sweetlake, Highway 27, Section 16, T12S, R07W, (proposes 61-acre parking lot and storage area constructed for industrial and oilfield projects in Cameron Parish. The project consists of 37,838 cubic yards of excavated material and 94,933 cubic yards of crushed stone/gravel to be placed on site), Cameron Parish, LA. (250103)
    4. Sabine Pass Liquefaction, LLC and Sabine Pass Liquefaction Stage V, LLC – Johnson Bayou, 9243 Gulf Beach Highway, (proposed geotechnical survey to evaluate subsurface geology to support future developments in Cameron Parish. Cone penetrations will be conducted in 12 locations), Cameron, LA. (250104)
    5. Columbia Gulf Transmission, LLC – Holly Beach, Mud Lake, (proposed to excavate and install new underground electrical transmission lines to its repaired rectifier and anode bed site at existing facility. Additionally, proposes to remove and decommission existing rectifier and wooden platform), Cameron Parish, LA. (250105)
    6. Cameron Parish Port, Harbor and Terminal District – Cameron, 749 Marshall Street, (proposes to disassemble and remove tank; place 3600 cubic yards of select fill and 905 tons of #610 Grey Kentucky Limestone to bring the elevation to match the current elevation of the adjoining property on the west side and construct 8’ chain link fence around perimeter of property for security purposes), Cameron Parish, LA. (250106)
    7. Texas Gas Transmission, LLC – Bayou Lacassine, Latitude 30°05’08.40”, Longitude 92°53’20.63”, (proposes a pipeline support and bulkhead replacement to protect the integrity of their existing 12inch diameter Woodlawn LJC pipeline), Cameron Parish, LA. (250107)
    8. CenterPoint Energy, Inc – Creole, 151 Bud Murphy Lane, (proposes replacement of 350 linear ft. or natural gas pipeline in public road right-of-way and install new service of approximately 60-ft. of 2-inch plastic natural gas service pipeline to residential home), Camreon, LA. (250108)
    9. Kinetica Partners, LLC – Johnson Bayou, Gulf of Mexico, (Segment 13309 Pipeline Abandonment; proposes to decommission a 10” pipeline located at West Cameron 18 (WC-18), Cameron, LA. (250109)
  12. Motion to Approve Appointments:
    1. Fire District No. 10 Civil Service Board – Appointment to Open Seat (tabled from last month)
  13. Motion to accept bids for 2025 Dust Control (tabled from last month)
  14. Motion to Adopt the Cameron Parish Police Jury Budget for Year Ending December 31, 2025
  15. Motion to open public hearing for the proposed amendments to:
    Chapter 14 Motor Vehicles and Traffic
    Article III. Operation of Vehicles Generally
    Sec. 14-35. Speed Limits
    REMOVE Road No. 636 from section (f)
    ADD: Parish Road No. 636 (Mustang Circle) to section
    (e) It shall be unlawful to operate any motor vehicles on the following parish
    roads at a speed in excess of fifteen (15) miles per hour
  16. Motion granting authority to amend Chapter 14 Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Article III, Section 14-35. Speed Limits – Add Parish Road 636 (Mustang Circle) to (e)
  17. Consideration of Contract Renewal with Waste Management
  18. Consideration of granting authority to advertise for UTV (Side by Side) Ordinance
  19. Consideration of 2025 NACO membership dues in the amount of $450
  20. Consideration of enforcing condemnation ordinance and cleaning property using lowest quote, and grant president authority to sign contract. Property located at 1015 Hwy 27, Sweetlake
  21. Consideration of enforcing condemnation ordinance and cleaning property using lowest quote, and grant president authority to sign contract. Property located at 609 Main Street, Hackberry
  22. Consideration of enforcing condemnation ordinance and cleaning property using lowest quote, and grant president authority to sign contract. Property located at 152 Oliver Street, Big Lake
  23. Motion granting president authority to sign Cooperative Endeavor Agreement with SWLAHEC to staff the Cameron Parish Health Unit through December 2025
  24. Consideration of CWEF Grant Allocation
  25. Consideration of LGAP Allocation
  26. Consideration of Change Order 1 for Mermentau Inundation Relief Project, Water Control Structures, Project No. 65MTRR7701. Increase compensation to contractor, M&C Oilfield Services, LLC for 22 days for equipment downtime due to delays in the SPPR Panel production, a proprietary product recommended in design documents for a total compensation of $90,200.00
  27. Motion granting Authority to publish Notice to Voters of the Saturday, March 29, 2025, election regarding the ad valorem proposition for Recreation District No. 5 (Grand Lake) in the Cameron Pilot on January 16, January 23, January 30, and February 6, 2025
  28. Consideration of allocating $150,000 to the LA Hwy 27 Elevation Project
  29. Consideration of Contract Amendment No. 2 with Louisiana Department of Energy & Natural Resources (LDENR), Contract No. 2000808211 to extend term agreement to December 31, 2025, to complete construction of Rockefeller Refuge Shoreline Stabilization Project (ME-35)
  30. Review and accept the monthly financial statements and budget to actual comparison
  31. Consideration of assessing liquidated damages on the OEP Pavilion Project
  32. Motion that approved Bills be Paid
  33. Executive Session:
    1. Hurricane Insurance Litigation Discussion
    2. Coastal Zone Litigation Discussion

Adjourn Meeting

* Indicating Add-ons

You can view the official agenda here.