3:00 P.M.
Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Election of President
5. Election of Vice-President
6. Appointment of Parish Administrator
7. Appointment of Parish Secretary
8. Appointment of Parish Treasurer
9. Proclamation – Douaine Conner – District 4 Police Juror
10. Proclamation – D.Y. “Billy” Doland
11. Approval of Add-ons:
12. Drilling Permits:
a. Texas Petroleum Investment Co. – Sweet Lake, Sections 11, 12, 14, T13S, R8W,
(proposed access, propwash, structures and flowlines to drill and produce Yount
Lee #71 Offset Well), Cameron Parish, LA. (180107)
13. Other Permits:
a. Brett W. Martin – Grand Lake, Beau Chemin Rd, Lot 4, Section 6, T12S, R8W,
(proposed excavation of pond to provide fill for house pad and driveway),
Cameron Parish, LA. (180101)
b. James L. Gaspard – Grand Lake, Beau Chemin Rd., Lot 5, Section 6, T12S, R8W,
(proposed excavation of pond to provide fill material for house pad and
driveway), Cameron Parish, LA. (180102)
c. Calcasieu Lake Marina – Hackberry, Off Channel Dr. and Drounett Ln, Section
42, T10S, R12W, (proposed development of marina to accommodate boat parking
and storage, restrooms, office, above-ground fuel storage, and ice machine.
Project includes excavation of (2) marina slips, 227 boat slips, 286 parking slots,
and installation of bulkhead), Cameron Parish, LA. (180103)
d. ICON Environmental – Grand Lake, Section 12, T12S, R9W, (proposed
environmental sediment, soil, and groundwater assessment of the Natali &
Manning Heirs property), Cameron Parish, LA. (180104)
e. CenterPoint Energy – Hackberry, Section 12, T12S, R10W, (proposed installation
of service and meter to Gulfport MP Erwin Lease project), Cameron Parish, LA.
f. HDR Engineering, Inc. – Grand Chenier, Rockefeller Refuge, Lat 29 42 21.7,
Long -92 45 59.2, (proposed Hydro Marsh Creation Phase 2 Project to include
soil borings to evaluate subsurface conditions and develop engineering
recommendations to guide in the geotechnical aspects associated with the marsh
creation project), Cameron Parish, LA. (180106)
g. Cameron Parish Police Jury – South Bank of GIWW, Southwest of Gibbstown
Bridge, Lat 29 55 59.49, Long -93 05 57.25, (proposed Cameron-Creole
Freshwater Introduction (CS-49) Project to include a gated sheet-pile freshwater
introduction structure, a rock rip-rap dike to combat shoreline erosion and
elevation loss to the bank of the GIWW, and terraces in the marsh to dissipate
wave energy and promote growth if emergent and submerged aquatic vegetation),
Cameron Parish, LA. (180108)
h. Sam Breaux – Hackberry, 154 Sam Breaux Rd., Section 36, T12S, R10W,
(proposed construction of (2) wharfs approximately 100 ft. x 6 ft. and 200 ft. x 6
ft. for recreational fishing, crabbing, and boating), Cameron Parish, LA. (180109)
i. Shell Pipeline Company – NW Hackberry, East side of the Sabine River, Section
6, T12S, R13W, (proposed to excavate a segment of the Houston-Houma 22-inch
pipeline to inspect and possibly repair an in-line valve), Cameron Parish, LA.
j. Venture Global Calcasieu Pass, LLC – Cameron, Davis Rd., Section 6, T15S,
R9W, (proposed (14) soil borings as follow-up to Phase 1 Environmental Site
Assessment, previous NDSI expired), Cameron Parish, LA. (180111)
14. Appointments:
a. Anthony Hicks – IMCAL, term expired
b. Christine Storm – Lower Cameron Hospital District No. 2, term expired
15. President Authority to sign Contract Amendment – Cameron Fisheries Project
Article 4 Additional Services, 4.2 – add the following paragraph: Equipment
Packages – Assist owner’s representative in specifying equipment for public bid.
Prepare packages for public bid including submitting to the CDBG review agency
for approval. Administration of contracts for this work.
Article 11 Compensation, 11.3 Below “Permits (Corps of Engineers)” – add the
following: Equipment Packages – $105,665.00
16. Consideration of Adopting Resolutions Approving Tax Renewal Elections on
April 28, 2018 for the following Districts:
a. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. Three – 7.50 mills
b. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. Four – 3.68 mills
c. Cameron Parish Waterworks District No. Two – 5.72 mills
d. Cameron Parish Recreation District No. Nine – 3.00 mills
e. Cameron Parish Recreation District No. Seven – 3.00 mills
f. Calcasieu-Cameron Hospital Service District – 6.95 mills
17. Conduct Public Hearing to Abandon Parish Roads 640 and 641, John H. Duhon
Lane; located in Section 22, T12S, R10W, Hackberry, LA.
18. Abandon Parish Roads 640 and 641, John H. Duhon Lane; located in Section 22,
T12S, R10W, Hackberry, LA.
19. Acceptance of Bids for Dust Control
20. President Authority to Sign Change Order No. 1 – Hackberry Fire Station,
increase contract $21,678.91 to stabilize foundation.
21. President Authority to sign LPA Assurance Letter with DOTD
22. Authorization to Amend RESTORE Act Multiyear Implementation
23. Authority to Enter Buy/Sell Agreement for 2018 with Guinn Auctions to sell
surplus equipment through public auction.
24. Authority to Advertise to sell surplus equipment at public auction on March 3,
25. Approve Letter of Support to Wade Baumgartner, Director at the Office of
Sponsored Programs and Intellectual Property LSU AgCenter, for Crocodilian
Innovations, LLC
26. Ratification of the Submission of a DR-4277 HMGP Project Nomination to the
Acadiana Planning Commission (Superior Canal East End Locks Conveyance
27. Pay Bills
Adjourn Meeting
∗ Indicating Add-ons
Agenda Posting Date: ___________________ Posting Time: _____________________
Signed: __________________________________________________
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