2:00 P.M.

Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
  4. Approval of Minutes
  5. Approval of Add-ons:
  6. Other Permits:
    1. Stream Family LP – Johnson Bayou, South of Gulf Beach Hwy., Section 15, T15S, R14W, (proposed soil borings to assess environmental conditions at an oil and gas E&P site), Cameron Parish, LA. (211201)
    2. Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development – Sweetlake, LA 384 East of Oblanc Rd., Section 15, T12S, R07W, (proposed to replace a 54-year-old, 27.4′ wide x 38′ long, existing bridge with a 24” x 50” culvert designed in accordance with current LA DOTD and AASHTO guidelines and as part of the Rural Bridges Replacement Initiative Program), Cameron Parish, LA. (211202)
  7. Appointments:
    1. Beachfront Development District No. 2 – Peggy Griffith, term expired (Tabled from
      last month)
    2. Library Board of Control – Jamie Boudreaux, term expired
    3. Library Board of Control – Ernest Roberts, term expired
    4. Waterworks District No. 9 – Shane Broussard, term expired
    5. Recreation District No. 7 – Remove Jennifer Vincent, moved out of parish, appoint
      Lidnsey Fontenot
    6. Creole Nature Trail – Carolyn Thibodeaux Miller, term expired
  8. Approve 2022 NACO Membership Dues – $450.00
  9. Allocate $680 for Chamber Southwest Banquet
  10. Approve 2022 Police Jury Meeting Schedule
  11. Approve 2022 Police Jury Holidays
  12. Approve Budget Amendments for December 2021
  13. Adopt Cameron Parish Police Jury Budget for Year Ending December 31, 2022
  14. Consideration of adopting a Resolution authorizing ordering and calling of a special election April 30, 2022 for Consolidated Fire Protections of South Cameron authorizing levy and collection of a special tax in lieu of existing ad valorem taxes in the district – 8.00 mills for a period of 10 years beginning 2022 for the purpose of operating and maintaining the District’s fire protection facilities and equipment and paying the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes, including charges for fire hydrant rentals and service in said District
  15. Consideration of adopting a Resolution authorizing publication of notice describing the geographic limits of Consolidated Fire Protections of South Cameron, Parish of Cameron, LA
  16. Consideration of Adopting a Resolution authorizing and Ratifying a Resolution adopted by Cameron Fire Protection District No. 10 on December 8, 2021, to proceed with the ordering and calling of a special election April 30, 2022 for Cameron Fire Protection District No. 10 renewal – 8.00 mills for a period of 10 years beginning 2023 and ending 2032 for the purpose of operating and maintaining the District’s fire protection facilities and paying the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes, including charges for fire hydrant rentals and service within said district
  17. Appoint Road & Bridge Superintendent
  18. President Authority to sign Resolution for Opioid Settlement
  19. Accept proposals for Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) services, and authorize administrator to negotiate and execute contracts with top 2 scored firms
  20. Authority to advertise for rebid for repair to the Cameron Recreation Center
  21. Rescind motion made last month by Mr. McGee and Seconded by Mr. Quinn for Change Order No 001 – Johnson Bayou Library to delete wheelchair lift and receive a credit of $25,065.00. (Lift will stay in scope of work)
  22. Pay Bills

Adjourn Meeting

* Indicating Add-ons

View the official document