4:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Approval of Add-ons:
5. Other Permits:
a. Cainen Lee Matte – Grand Chenier, Section 2, T15S, R6W, (proposed future camp and placement of 2 feet of fill material (sand) to build up property), Cameron Parish, LA. (151201)
b. Resource Development Group, LLC – Johnson Bayou, Section 21, T15S, R14W, (proposed culvert maintenance, conditioned in previous Cup under P20100527), Cameron Parish, LA. (151202)
c. Jeffery Keith Worthington – Grand Lake, 1756 Hwy. 384, Section 13, T12S, R8W, (proposed excavation of pond for recreational use), Cameron Parish, LA (150203)
d. Venture Global Calcasieu Pass, LLC – Cameron, Off Davis Rd., Section 1, T15S, R10W, Section 4, T15S, R9W, (proposed test pits for environmental sampling and soil testing), Cameron Parish, LA. (151204)
e. Sam Breaux – Hackberry, Off Sam Breaux Rd., Section 36, T12S, R10W, (proposed Breaux Marina, a 40 wet slip Marina), Cameron Parish. LA. (151206)
f. Trey Miller – Sweetlake, 257 West Precht Rd., (proposed excavation of pond to provide fill for future house pad), Cameron Parish, LA. (151207)
6. Drilling Permits:
a. Hilcorp Energy Company – Deep Lake Field, Section 9, T16S, R3W, (proposed prop wash and location to drill the Kingdom Prospect), Cameron Parish, LA. (151205)
7. Appointments:
a. Waterworks Dist. No. 1 – Tony Porche resigned
8. President Authority to Sign:
a. Resolution of Support for CWPPRA Projects
b. Resolution to Draft Local Bill to Merge West Cameron Port and East Cameron Port
9. Approve Budget Amendments for December 2015
10. Adopt Budget for Year Ending December 31, 2016
11. Authorize Advertisement for Bids for Asbestos Abatement for Courthouse
12. Review Proposals and Award Contract for Limestone
13. Pay Bills Adjourn
* Indicates Add-ons