2:00 P.M.

Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
  4. Approval of Minutes
  5. Approval of Add-Ons:
  6. Other Permits:
    1. Jason Duhon – Lots 20 and 22 on Beau Chemin Road, Grand Lake, (proposed excavation of pond, approximately 12,500 cubic yards to provide future development, (152’ x 163’) residential house pad, installation of utilities, and 25’ wide driveway. All material to remain on site), Cameron Parish, LA. (230301)
    2. Hilcorp Energy Company – Off Holly Beach Highway, Hackberry, (after-the-fact repair of 4-inch gas line repair in Second Bayou Field.), Cameron Parish, LA (230302)
    3. Dynamic Exploration Partners, LLC – Little Chenier, Section 17, T14S, R06W, (proposed #1 Dynamic-N. American Land Co. #1 well will be abandoned. All structures removed, ring levee levelled, and saltwater flowline to SWD will be removed), Cameron Parish, LA. (230303)
    4. Salt Revival Oyster Company, L.L.C. – 765 Wakefield Road, Cameron, (proposed Oyster Culture Park Area; installation of on-bottom and off-bottom oyster aquaculture cages and bags. This project will be for the grow out only of oysters in the McCall Flats and oysters will be transferred to the Cameron Oyster Park (application P20220961) to purge before being harvested from the State site. All seed will be purchased from approved hatcheries along the Gulf Coast and the majority of the seed will be purchased from Triple N Farms of Baton Rouge. The seed will stay in a nursery facility located on the property until being large enough to be moved to the grow out farm in McCall private flats where they will be protected from theft and harsh conditions. As these oysters thrive, they will be relayed to the Cameron Oyster Park roughly 100 yards away. The property also has a metal building on premise that will be the headquarters for this operation and also has a covered dock with water and electricity), Cameron Parish, LA. (230304)
    5. Apollo Energy – Cameron Meadows Oilfield Road, Johnson Bayou, (proposed to install flow line and gas lift to serve the Dore’ Fee No. 059 Well), Cameron Parish, LA. (230305)
  7. Appointments:
    1. Fire Protection District No. 14 – Pat Sewell, term expired – TABLED FROM LAST MONTH. Appoint Leonard Richard
    2. Sweetlake-Grand Lake Cemetery Board – Rev. Andrew Martin, term expired – TABLED FROM LAST MONTH
    3. Cameron Parish Library Board of Control – Reappoint McKinley “Butch” Guidry as Ex-Officio
    4. Lower Cameron Hospital District Board – Allyson Bourriaque, resigned
    5. Fire Protection District No. 15 – Jonathan Breaux, resigned
  8. Authority to sell Surplus Equipment
  9. Proclamation – Declare March 2023 as Red Cross Month
  10. President authority to sign Resolution of Support for CWPPRA Priority Project List 33
  11. President authority to sign Amendment No. 2 to CEA & PILOT agreement with Sabine Pass LNG, L.P.
  12. President authority to sign Amendment No. 4 to CEA with Venture Global & TransCameron for Lighthouse Bend
  13. President authority to sign Resolution of Support to expedite funding and appropriate any necessary supplemental funds (State or Federal) for the Grand Lake Pontoon Bridge Project (H.012044)
  14. President authority to sign letter of support for Venture Global FTZ application
  15. President authority to sign Amendment No. 2 for the Mermentau Basin Inundation Relief project for Final Stage design, funded by CDBG MIT funds
  16. Approve ratification for Letter of Support for the RISEE/SHORES Act Legislation
  17. Authority to advertise for Inspector/CBO
  18. Consideration of Bids for the OEP Pavilion
  19. Conduct public hearing for proposed amendments to Chapter 14 Motor Vehicles and Traffic. Article III. Operation of Vehicles Generally. Add to Sec. 14-35 Speed Limits (e) It shall be unlawful to operate any motor vehicles on the following parish roads at a speed in excess of fifteen (15) miles per hour. Parish Road 353, Billings Lane, Cameron, LA.
  20. Authority to amend Chapter 14 Motor Vehicles and Traffic. Article III. Operation of Vehicles Generally. Add to Sec. 14-35 Speed Limits (e) It shall be unlawful to operate any motor vehicles on the following parish roads at a speed in excess of fifteen (15) miles per hour. Parish Road 353, Billings Lane, Cameron, LA.
  21. Review and accept the monthly financial statements and budget to actual comparison
  22. Pay Bills

Adjourn Meeting

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