2:00 P.M.

Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
  3. Executive Session
    1. Hurricane Insurance Litigation Discussion
    2. Coastal Litigation Discussion
  5. Approval of Minutes
  6. Approval of Add-Ons:
  7. Drilling Permits:
    1. Sulphur River Exploration, Inc. – Collicon Lake, Grand Chenier, Section 14, 15, 23, T14S, R4W, (proposed propwash a channel and slip for the purpose of placing a drilling rig on location to drill the Miami Alternatives LLC No. 1; rig move will occur during high tide only.), Cameron Parish, LA. (230202)
  8. Other Permits:
    1. Phillip Precht – 2540 Highway 384, Sweetlake, LA 70630, (proposed to construct 5.21 acres for Waterfowl Habitat to retain storm water and will reduce the runoff into the adjacent drainage lateral. This will consist of 1, 885 linear feet of berm, (9) culverts, and 2 conveyance channels), Cameron Parish, LA. (230101)
    2. William Andries – 140 Miller Avenue, Grand Chenier, LA 70643, (proposed construction of boat shed and wharf for recreational use), Cameron Parish, LA. (230201)
    3. John LeBleu – Klondike, Off Louisiana Avenue, (proposed future development to construct (75’ x 60’) residential home and installation of utilities, (40’ x 24’) culvert, and driveway, this will result in approximately 1,082 cubic yards of fill material to be hauled in from off-site and construction of wharf measuring 100’ with a (30’x 30’) covered deck), Cameron Parish, LA. (230203)
    4. Monty Chapman and Sarah Hodges – Klondike, Off Louisiana Ave, (proposed development to construct (50’ x 45’) residential home and installation of utilities, (60’ x 20’) driveway and culvert; this will result in approximately 543 cubic yards of fill material to be hauled in from off-site), Cameron Parish, LA. (230204)
    5. Colonial Pipeline Company – Hackberry, Off of Sabine River, Latitude 30 01 48.53, Longitude -93 44 12.04, (Line 2 Dig GCD-03-73; proposed to perform an anomaly repair on existing Line 2 Hebert to Lake Charles Pipeline, approximately 667 cubic yards of material will be excavated from 150 foot x 20 foot area and backfilled upon completion. No dredging will be required to access work sites), Cameron Parish, LA. (230205)
    6. CP Marine Offloading, LLC – Calcasieu Pass, Cameron, Section 31, T14S, R09W; Section 38, T14S, R09W, (Martin MOF Bulkhead Repairs Project; proposes replacement of an existing compromised bulkhead wall and would involve upland excavation of approximately 13,000 cy directly behind the existing bulkhead wall. The existing anchoring system would be removed and replaced with a new anchor rod system. An approximate 638 linear foot sheet pile bulkhead wall would be installed within upland area located directly behind the existing comprised wall. Once the new wall is in place, the 13,000 cy of material will be replaced as backfill for the new bulkhead wall. After all proposed features have been installed, the existing compromised bulkhead wall will be cut at the existing mudline, removed, and disposed offsite.), Cameron Parish, LA. (230206)
  9. Appointments:
    1. Lower Cameron Hospital Service District – TABLED FROM PREVIOUS MONTHS
    2. Cameron Water & Waste District No. 1 – Tammy Vincent, term expired
    3. Fire Protection District No. 10 – Sam Coleman, term expired
    4. Fire Protection District No. 10 – Larry Jinks, term expired
    5. Fire Protection District No. 14 – Pat Sewell, term expired
    6. Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Dan Nunez, term expired
    7. Gravity Drainage District No. 9 – Wesley Hardin, term expired
    8. Sweetlake-Grand Lake Cemetery Board – Rev. Andrew Martin, term expired
    9. Ambulance Service District No. 1 – Remove Pat Primeaux, moved out of parish. Appoint Kevin Vincent.
    10. Louisiana Oyster Task Force Board – Ryan Mallory, resigned. Appoint Brandon DeBarge
    11. Cameron Parish Port Harbor and Terminal District – Kay Picou, resigned. Appoint Kevin Vincent
    12. Gravity Drainage District No. 5 – Jeffery Richard, resigned. Appoint Mitchel Baccigalopi
    13. Recreation District No. 7 – Remove James Duhon, moved out of parish. Appoint Logan Manuel
  10. Authority to advertise to abandon Parish Road 233, Twin Oaks Road (1845 ft.), Grand Chenier, LA
  11. Authority to advertise Ordinance change for Temporary Food Service Sec 10-69
  12. Authorize Audit Engagement Agreement with Gragson, Casiday, & Guillory, LLP for the year ending December 31, 2022
  13. President authority to sign Compliance questionnaire with Gragson, Casiday, & Guillory, LLP for the year ending December 31, 2022
  14. Acceptance to proceed with 1310 School Street and Batch 4 PPDR Demo properties, once contractor is procured and contract is signed
  15. Allocate funding in the amount of $20,547.00 to the LSU Ag Center for Extension Programs for January – December 2023
  16. President authority to sign resolution opposing any bills or proposed bills in the 2023 legislative session that removes, minimizes, or in any way limits the Cameron Parish Police Jury’s authority concerning coastal litigation and /or any rights that they have under the statutory scheme
  17. President authority to sign Letter of Renewal of Beach Monitoring Agreement with DHH for Louisiana Beach Monitoring Program
  18. President authority to sign resolution to enter into and Intergovernmental Agreement with CPRA, for project Cameron Parish Shoreline Stabilization Project (ME-0038), and president authority to sign all necessary documents pertaining to project
  19. Approve quotes from Gallagher Insurance for property and flood insurance and authority for administrator to sign all necessary documents to bind insurance for 2023
  20. Authority to advertise for bids to replace the Grand Lake Maintenance Barn
  21. Review and accept the monthly financial statements and budget to actual comparison
  22. Pay Bills

Adjourn Meeting

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