2:00 P.M.

Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
  4. Approval of Minutes
  5. Approval of Add-Ons:
  6. Drilling & Pipeline Permits:
    1. Hilcorp Energy Company – Deep Lake, Grand Chenier, Latitude 29 41 42.53, Longitude -92 39 18.41 (proposed to propwash approximately 1150 linear feet for purposes of drilling the proposed WLA Fontainebleau Drill Prospect located within an existing slip), Cameron Parish, LA (220304)
  7. Other Permits:
    1. Apache Louisiana Minerals, LLC – Mud Lake, Johnson Bayou, Section 22, 23, 24, T14S, R11W, Latitude 29 49 43, Longitude -93 27 06 (proposed construction of approximately 27,155 linear feet of earthen terraces and grass planting to reduce wave energy and erosion and to enhance wildlife habitat), Cameron Parish, LA. (220301)
    2. CenterPoint Energy, Inc. – Grand Lake, Highway 384 – Latitude: 30 0 56.03, Longitude: -93 12 8.884, Section 17, T12S, R08W (proposed to install approximately 1,200 linear feet of 2 inch diameter plastic natural gas pipeline and approximately 200 linear feet of 2 inch diameter plastic service to T’Boys’s Restaurant), Cameron Parish, LA. (220302)
    3. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 7 – Johnson Bayou, Section 18, 19, 28, 30, T15S, R13W; Section 20, 21, 29, 28, T15S, R14W, Latitude 29 45 17.11, Longitude -93 37 43 (proposed to remove sediment built up over the years from three (3) natural drainage laterals at locations of Smith Bayou, Mae’s Bayou and Long Beach Bayou), Cameron Parish, LA (220303)
    4. Cameron Parish Police Jury – Adjacent to Highway 27, Cameron, Section 31, T14S, R09W, Latitude 29 47 44.47, Longitude – 93 19 30.27 (proposes to install two (2) control pumps, one (1) water control structure, sixteen (16) various sized culverts, and improvements approximately 3,800 linear feet of drainage to prevent flooding from high tide events and improve day-to-day drainage for the Town of Cameron), Cameron Parish, LA. (220305)
    5. Targa Resources, Inc. – Crain Brothers Road, Johnson Bayou, Latitude 29 45 54.27, Longitude -93 38 13.08 (proposed removal of non-essential/non-functional processing and metering equipment at Targa’s Barracuda Facility. The proposed activities include the removal of various process/storage tanks, vessels, generators, compressor pumps and processing equipment and removal of some related steel structures. The facility will remain as a functional processing and metering facility), Cameron Parish, LA. (220306)
  8. Appointments:
    1. Lower Cameron Hospital District No. 2 – Appoint Rhonda Coleman for the expired term of Christine Storm
    2. Cameron Parish Port Harbor & Terminal District – Appoint Thomas Cox due to the resignation of Ricky Poole for remainder of term (tabled from last month)
    3. Waterworks District No. 7 – Jude Primeaux, resigned, appoint Kimily Bourriaque for remainder of term
    4. Beachfront Development District No. 2 – Susan Conner Boudreaux, term expired
    5. Fire Protection District No. 14 – C.S. Darbonne, term expired
    6. Fire Protection District No. 14 – Grag Manuel, term expired
    7. Fire Protection District No. 14 – Ron Johnson, term expired
    8. Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Shane Broussard, term expired
    9. Gravity Drainage District No. 7 – Rogerest Romero, term expired
  9. President authority to sign Resolution of Support for CWPPRA Priority Project List 32
  10. President Authority to sign Owner/Architect Agreement for A&E services for the North Cameron Emergency Operations Center
  11. President Authority to sign Letter of Renewal of Beach Monitoring Agreement with DHH – Louisiana Beach Monitoring Program
  12. President Authority to sign CEA for 911 dispatcher services
  13. President Authority to sign CEA for Courthouse security services
  14. Authority to sell Surplus Equipment through public auction with Guinn Auctions
  15. Authority to lift hiring freeze to advertise to hire (1) Road & Bridge employee for the Johnson Bayou Road Crew due to employee quitting
  16. Authority to announce and advertise a Public Notice of Intent to consider calling an election at the April 1, 2022, meeting to propose the consolidated levy and collection of ad valorem property taxes in lieu of existing ad valorem property taxes for the purpose of economic development and operating and maintaining all parish facilities
  17. Authority to announce and advertise a Public Notice of Intent to consider calling an election at the April 1, 2022, meeting to consider renewal of an ad valorem property tax millage for the purpose of improving, maintaining, constructing, and repairing roads and bridges in the Parish
  18. Authority to file suit on Hurricane Laura/Delta claims
  19. Authority to advertise to abandon the back 510 feet of Mudd Road (PR 346), Cameron, LA
  20. Change Order No. 002 – Grand Chenier Library, Monument Sign revisions requested by the library board. Increase contract amount by $49,723.00 and increase contract time by 98 days
  21. Change Order No. 003 – Grand Chenier Library, Increase contract time by 12 days due to weather delays. No change in contract amount
  22. Change Order No. 008 – Johnson Bayou Library, monument sign revisions requested by the library board. Increase contract amount by $50,303.00, this includes credit for original sign, plus extra electrical work and larger footings required for the larger sign. No additional contract time
  23. Change Order No. 009 – Johnson Bayou Library, Addition of Wheelchair lift repairs, increase contract amount by $31,017.00, and increase contract time by 146 days
  24. Change Order No. 010 – Johnson Bayou Library, Addition of Site Lighting, light poles in parking lot were overlooked until construction started. Reinstall 2 new light fixtures on the existing poles on the property, contractor will be able to re-use poles and existing wiring. Increase contract amount by $7,635.00, no change in contract time (THIS CHANGE ORDER IS NOT RECOMMENDED BY RANDY THOMAS & DEDE SANDERS, BECAUSE THIS WAS NOT CAUGHT IN THE ORIGINAL COST ANALYSIS)
  25. Approve ratification of property insurance quotes from Gallagher Insurance and ratify Treasurer authority to sign to bind coverage
  26. Authority to approve Butler Bourgeois with Gallagher Insurance as the Cameron Parish Police Jury 2022 Agent of Record for Property and Flood Insurance Quotes
  27. Pay Bills

Adjourn Meeting

* Indicating Add-ons

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