3:00 P.M.
Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room 148
Smith Circle, Cameron, LA
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Approval of Add-ons:
5. Drilling & Pipeline Permits:
a. Fieldwood Energy – Offshore, East Cameron Area Block 2, (proposed after-the-fact pipeline repairs to existing 3-inch flowline), Cameron Parish, LA. (180901)
b. Robertson Energy – Hackberry, Section 8, T12S, R12W, (proposed structures for drilling the Rotag Prospect from an existing well site), Cameron Parish, LA. (180905)
6. Other Permits:
a. Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority – Calcasieu Ship Channel/Calcasieu Lake, (proposed CS-0065, Calcasieu Salinity Control Measures Project; manage the introduction of saline water from the Calcasieu Ship Channel into adjacent water bodies thereby reducing the rate of wetland loss in the project area and surrounding wetlands), Cameron Parish, LA. (180902)
b. Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company – Johnson Bayou, Sections 15 & 16, T15S, R14W, (proposed excavation activities at two anomaly dig sites, A1 and A7 along Transco’s existing North High Island Pipeline B), Cameron Parish, LA. (180903)
c. Gulfport Energy Corporation – East Hackberry Field, Section NA, T12S, R9W, (proposed removal of (5) existing wells and associated structures, #69, 71, 72, 73, &76), Cameron Parish, LA. (180904)
d. Targa Midstream LLC – Lowry, Section 9, T12S, R4W, (proposed riser site and access road for the B Line to Columbia Gulf Tie-In), Cameron Parish, LA. (180906)
e. Trouth and Ruiz, LLC – Hackberry, North of Christy Dr., Section 44, T12S, R10W, (proposed to construct Salt Grass at Bon Ton Bay, an 18-lot waterfront RV community and excavation of an access canal with installation of bulkhead along with water and sewer utilities to the site), Cameron Parish, LA. (180703) (tabled from previous meeting)
f. Cameron Prairie RV Park, LLC – Cameron, Off Marshall St and Cedar Ln., Section 21, T15S, R9W, Section 52, T14S, R9W, (proposed development of RV Park for temporary lodging for workers and recreational purposes), Cameron Parish, LA. (180907)
7. Appointments:
a. Cameron Fire District No. 1 – Bryon K. Richard, resigned (tabled from previous month)
b. Johnson Bayou-Holly Beach Fire Department Civil Service Board – Lisa Hunt, resigned (tabled from previous month)
c. Beach Front Development District No. 1 – Aaron Lagneaux, resigned
d. Gravity Drainage District No. 9 – Jared Desormeaux, term expired
e. Recreation District No. 7 – Jonathan Marceaux, resigned
8. Consider Approval for Liquor Permit for DG, Louisiana, LLC d/b/a Dollar
General Store #10522, 750 Highway 384, Grand Lake, LA 70607 (tabled from previous month)
9. Approve Insurance Quotes for General Liability, Commercial Auto, and Worker’s Compensation
10. Consideration of Resolutions for the Calling of an Election for an Ad Valorem Tax in Cameron Fire Protection District No. One on March 30, 2019:
a. Resolution ordering and calling a special election to be held in Cameron Fire Protection District No. One of Cameron Parish, Louisiana, on March 30, 2019, for the purpose of levying an 8 mill ad valorem property tax for the operating and maintenance of the District’s fire protection facilities and equipment
b. Resolution authorizing publication of notice describing the geographic limits of Cameron Fire Protection District No. One, Cameron Parish, Louisiana
11. Consideration of Resolutions for the Calling of an Election for the Renewal of an Ad Valorem Tax in Cameron Fire District No. Sixteen on March 30, 2019:
a. Resolution ordering and calling a special election to be held in Fire Protection District No. Sixteen of Cameron Parish, Louisiana, on March 30, 2019, for the purpose of renewing the levy of a 11.32 mill ad valorem property tax for the operating and maintenance of the District’s fire protection facilities and equipment
b. Resolution authorizing publication of notice describing the geographic limits of Fire Protection District No. Sixteen, Cameron Parish, Louisiana
12. Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing Lower Cameron Ambulance Service District of Cameron Parish, Louisiana to Proceed with Calling a Special Election on March 30, 2019 for a Proposition to provide for an Ad Valorem Property Tax millage of 25.28 mills for maintaining ambulance service in the district
13. President Authority to sign CEA with LA Department of Natural Resources for 2018-2019 Cameron Parish Local Coastal Zone Program Implementation
14. Consider ratifying the execution of a Tier III Amendment and the closeout packet of the Parish Implemented Recovery Program-Affordable Rental Program 12RHPP1501
15. Authority to sell Surplus Equipment through Public Auction with Guinn Brothers November 3, 2018
16. Authority to Execute Agreement for Engineering and Design Services for the GOMESA Shoreline Projects
17. Authority to Advertise for Request for Proposals: a. RFP for Limestone
b. RFP for Dust Control
18. Consider approval for Change Order #35 Courthouse Renovations, increase contract time by 152 days due to weather and other unforeseen project delays.
19. Consider approval for Change Order #36 Courthouse Renovations, increase contract amount by $26,350.00 and contract time for an additional 4 days to add moisture vapor transmission barrier.
20. Pay Bills