11:00 A.M. (or at conclusion of Morning Agenda Meeting)

Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
  4. Motion to Adopt August 2024 meeting minutes
  5. Motion to Approve Add-Ons:
  6. Motion to Approve Other Permits:
    a. ICON Environmental – LA Highway 27, Holly Beach East (Ferry), (proposes
    environmental assessment, surface/sub-surface soil sampling, and ground water
    monitor well installation and sampling to determine Aquifer properties from Oil
    and Gas E&P), Cameron Parish, LA. (240901)
    b. Moncla – Johnson Bayou, Cameron Meadows Oil Field Road, (proposes lifting
    submerged eighteen-wheeler from canal back onto barge), Cameron Parish, LA.
    c. Tonia Palermo – Big Lake, 123 Seagull Lane, (proposes to repair/rebuild
    bulkhead to prevent from erosion in the same area covered under previous permit
    P20020064), Cameron Parish, LA. (240903)
    d. Lake Charles LNG, LLC – Lowry Highway, (Lakeside Meter Station; proposes
    to install new ultrasonic meters and associated equipment to upgrade equipment
    and provide new connections to Trunkline 200-2 and 200-3 pipelines), Cameron
    Parish, LA. (240904)
    e. Kinder Morgan – Johnson Bayou, Cameron Meadows Oil Field Road, (Pig Trap
    structures for NGPL Gulf Coast Line No. 2 Stingray Meter Station; proposes to
    collect soil borings and produce results in order to install two traps (receiver and
    launcher), Cameron Parish, LA. (240905)
    f. Kinder Morgan – Lowry, Illinois Plant Road, (Pig Trap structures for NGPL
    Gulf Coast Line Terminus station to collect soil cores and produce results in
    order to install one trap (receiver), Cameron Parish, LA. (240906)
    g. Targa Resources – Johnson Bayou, 5501 Gulf Beach Highway, (proposes an
    investigation of reported unauthorized discharge and delineating the area of
    impact. Project entails environmental drilling to sample soil and groundwater by
    converting them to temporary monitor wells. All borings will be plugged and
    abandoned with the original cutting from geoprobe drilling activities), Cameron
    Parish, LA. (240907)
    h. Hilcorp Energy Company – Grand Chenier, Highway 82, (proposes to install 4-
    inch lines to serve the Moise Sturlese No. 001 Well. This activity was
    previously authorized (CUP P20201059). The work was never performed),
    Cameron Parish, LA. (240908)
  7. Motion to Approve Appointments:
    a. Cameron Recreation District No. 6 – Appointment to open seat (Tabled from last
    b. Grand Chenier Recreation District No. 9 – Angie Theriot, resigned (Tabled from
    last month)
    c. Hackberry Fire Protection Dist. No. 1 – Curtis Fountain, term expired
    d. Hackberry Fire Protection Dist. No. 1 – Thad Little, term expired
    e. South Cameron Consolidated Waterworks Dist. No. – Appoint 6th member
    f. South Cameron Consolidated Waterworks – Armand “Bubba” Richard, resigned
  8. Motion to Approve Financial Statement Audit Report for year ending
    December 31, 2023 (Tabled from last month)
  9. Motion to grant authority to Katie Armentor, Parish Administrator to sign all documents
    related to the insurance renewals for:
    a. Equipment
    b. General Liability
    c. Commercial Auto
    d. Workers Compensation
    e. VFIS
    f. Boiler Policy
  10. Consideration of sponsorship for the 2025 Louisiana Fur & Wildlife Festival
  11. Consideration of SWLA Regional Planning Commission FY 2023-24 District Dues in
    the amount of $3,569.30
  12. Consideration of Variance and authority to apply for Coastal Use permit for the Creole
    Nature Trail Public Restrooms in Holly Beach
  13. Consideration of Change Order for the North Cameron Emergency Operations Center
    Project No. 50-J12-21-01. Increase contract time by 18 days due to weather delays, no
    change in contract amount
  14. Consideration of Change Order for the OEP Pavilion LOC 71. Increase contract amount
    by $2,725.00 for relocation of the generator, no change in contract time
  15. Motion to accept the OEP Pavilion as substantial complete
  16. Motion for president authority to sign Resolution authorizing rural Public Transit to file
    an application with Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development for a grant
    under 49 CFR 5311, Formula Grant for Rural Areas and 49 CFR 5339, Grants for Bus
    and Bus Facility Program
  17. Motion for authority to apply for State Capital Outlay Funding, and authority for
    administrator to sign all necessary documents related to funding
  18. Motion for authority to advertise to change speed limit on Parish Road 643 (Jim Gray
    Rd), Hackberry, LA from 25mph to 15mph
  19. Motion to approve ratification for President Authority to sign:
    a. Boundary Confirmation for the South Cameron Fire District. Boundaries
    reviewed and approved by the Cameron Parish District Attorney and the
    Cameron Parish Tax Assessor
    b. Boundary Confirmation for Hackberry Fire Protection District No. 1, Boundary
    correction approved at the August 5, 2024, Police Jury meeting
  20. Authority to consider adopting a Resolution authorizing ordering and calling an election
    on March 29, 2025, for Recreation District No. 5 to consider an ad valorem property tax
    millage (9.30) mills in lieu of (4.30) mills for the purpose of operating and maintaining
    said District’s recreation facilities constituting works of public improvement within
  21. Motion to grant authority for OHSEP director, Danny Lavergne, to sign
    Intergovernmental Agreement between Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron and Jeff
    Davis Parishes for the Region 5 asset, (Mobile Command Center) and authorization to
    pay a share of the annual insurance premium
  22. Motion for president authority to sign Proclamation declaring September 2024 as
    Library Card Sign-up Month in Cameron Parish
  23. Motion for president authority to sign Resolution appointing Treasurer to collect the
    occupational tax beginning July 1, 2025
  24. Motion for president authority to sign Oil, Gas and Mineral Lease for property in Big
    Lake to RBE Louisiana LLC
  25. Motion for president authority to sign Contract with ICON Environmental, Greg Miller
    for clean-up of Black Lake, pending legal approval
  26. Motion to approve ratification for president authority to sign Right of Ways for Jeff
    Davis Electric Company approved by legal:
    a. Hwy 82 Grand Chenier
    b. Cameron Main Library
    c. Johnson Bayou Library
  27. Motion for president authority to sign Amendment No. 1 to the Mowing & Litter pickup
    Maintenance Agreement with DOTD for an additional cycle due to supplemental
    funding for a 5th cycle
  28. Motion for president authority to sign Letter of Support for the submission of the
    Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana’s proposal “Chenier Ridge Project” under the
    Nature Conservancy’s Treesilence program Request for Proposals
  29. Motion to accept Hazard Mitigation Elevation Grant for Health Unit
  30. Motion granting authority to advertise to fill Administrative Assistant vacant position
  31. Review and accept the monthly financial statements and budget to actual comparison
  32. Motion that approved Bills be Paid
  33. Executive Session:
    a. Hurricane Insurance Litigation Discussion
    b. Coastal Zone Litigation Discussion
  34. Motion to Adjourn Meeting

You can view the official agenda here.