2:00 P.M.

Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
  3. Executive Session
    1. Hurricane Insurance Litigation Discussion
    2. Coastal Zone Litigation Discussion
  5. Approval of Minutes
  6. Approval of Add-Ons:
  7. Other Permits:
    1. Colonial Pipeline Company – Johnson Bayou, Sabine River, Latitude 30°2’7”, Longitude -93°44’73.99”, (Line 2 Hebert to Lake Charles Pipeline Anomaly Digs; proposes to perform 24 anomaly digs along existing Line 2 Hebert to Lake Charles Pipeline. Approximately 3,312cy of material to be excavated.), Cameron Parish, LA. (231101)
    2. ConocoPhillips Company – Johnson Bayou, Off Highway 82, (Project Gumbo North; proposes to construct a 4.07 acre well pad and .71 acre access road for future appraisal well to perform site characterization operations to further evaluate the subsurface formations below the well pad site and assess the viability of injection and permanent geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide.), Cameron Parish, LA. (221102)
    3. Sabine Pipeline, LLC – Johnson Bayou, Sabine River, (East Bank River Valve Crossover Replacement; proposes to excavate an existing surface location to replace existing 16” crossover piping with 18” crossover piping to facilitate pigging of their existing 18” pipeline.), Cameron Parish, LA. (231103)
    4. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Creole, Latitude 29°48’19.49”, Longitude -93°09’27.03”, (Maintenance of Lateral “D”; proposes maintenance dredging along 16,063 linear feet of drainage lateral to provide adequate drainage.), Cameron Parish, LA. (231104)
    5. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Creole, Latitude 29°48’35.01”, Longitude -93°03’30.18”, (Maintenance of Lateral “H”; proposed maintenance dredging along 13,477 linear feet of drainage lateral to provide adequate drainage.), Cameron Parish, LA. (231105)
    6. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Little Chenier, Latitude 29°50’11.78, Longitude -93°00’51.56”, (Maintenance of Lateral “K”; proposed maintenance dredging along 4,157 linear feet of drainage lateral to provide adequate drainage.), Cameron Parish, LA. (231106)
    7. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Creole, Latitude 29°47’27.50”, Longitude -93°07’23.69”, (Maintenance of Lateral “C”; proposed maintenance dredging along 3,953 linear feet of drainage lateral to provide adequate drainage.), Cameron Parish, LA. (231107)
    8. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Creole, Latitude 29ǜ48’37.33”, Longitude -93°06’40.96”, (Maintenance of Lateral “F”; proposed maintenance dredging along 5,385 linear feet of drainage lateral to provide adequate drainage.), Cameron Parish, LA. (231108)
    9. Texas Petroleum Investment Company, (TPIC) – Johnson Bayou, Off Fina Oilfield Road, (proposes to conduct environmental assessments of the Mecom Ranch located within Mud Lake and Second Bayou Oil and Gas Fields.), Cameron Parish, LA. (231109)
    10. Texas Petroleum Investment Company – Hackberry, Black Lake, Latitude 30°01’16.25”, Longitude 93°23’44.12”, (proposed removal of structures and pipelines in Hackberry Field due to facility no longer in operation.), Cameron Parish, LA. (231110)
    11. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Creole, Latitude 29°48’15.22”, Longitude -93°07’56.22”, (Maintenance of Lateral “G”; proposed maintenance dredging along 6,651 linear feet of drainage lateral to provide adequate drainage.), Cameron Parish, LA. (23111)
  8. Appointments:
    1. Library Board of Control – Beth Ferguson, term expired
    2. Cameron Water & Wastewater District No. 1 – remove the following members, due to consolidation and send letters of appreciation for service:
      Kathy Guthrie
      Chris Mooney
      Tammy Vincent
      Tammy Peshoff
      Fred Sanders
    3. Waterworks District No. 7 – remove the following members due to consolidation and send letters of appreciation for service:
      Kimily Bourriaque
      Vickie Kiffe
      Michelle Trahan
      Fletcher “Gabe” LaLande
    4. Waterworks District No. 9 – remove the following members due to consolidation and send letters of appreciation for service:
      Armand “Bubba” Richard
      Shane Broussard
      JC Baccigalopi
      Kevin Warner
      Tina Horn
    5. Appoint members to the newly consolidated South Cameron Consolidated Waterworks District No. 1 Board for a 5-year term:
      Member 1
      Member 2
      Member 3
      Member 4
      Member 5
    6. Appoint members to the newly created Wastewater District No. 1 Board for a 5-year term:
      Member 1
      Member 2
      Member 3
      Member 4
      Member 5
  9. (Tabled From Last Month)
    Conduct Public Hearing for Proposed Amendments to Chapter 4 Animals and Fowl
    Proposed Amendments to Chapter 4 Animals and Fowl Article III Livestock
    Division 3 Voting Districts Four & Five

    Section 4-43 Prohibited at Large.DELETE EXISTINGSection (8)
    (8) The asphalt surfaced portion of Parish Road 216 or Chenier Purdue Road commencing at the intersection of Parish Road 216 or Chenier Perdue Road with Parish Road 217 or Pumpkin Ridge Road; thence eastward to the beginning of the aggregate portion of Parish Road 216 Chenier Perdue Road


    Voting District Four from Division 3

  10. Amend Chapter 4 Animals and Fowl Article III Livestock Division 3 Voting Districts Four & Five as listed above.
  11. President authority to sign Resolution for Cameron Parish Certifying Compliance with requirements of participation in LA DOTD Off-System Bridge Program
  12. President authority to sign Proclamation to Declare November 2023 as National Family Caregiver Month
  13. President authority to sign Right of Way for Entergy Louisiana LLC for the Grand Lake Maintenance Barn
  14. President authority to sign Resolution granting the Administrator authority to sign and submit an application for the State of LA, Office of Community Development under FY 2023-2024 CWEF Program and any future documents should the application be funded
  15. President authority to sign Resolution granting the Administrator authority to sign and submit an application for the State of LA, Office of Community Development under FY 2023-2024 for LGAP and any future documents should the application be funded
  16. President authority to sign Amendment No. 1 for contract agreement with Accu-Environmental, LLC for the Mermentau Basin Inundation Relief Project funded by (CDBG-MIT) funds:
    1. To extend contract performance period to March 31, 2024 for delivery of Environmental Review Record and Request for Release of Funds
    2. Additional compensation in the amount of $8,200 (from a total budget of $16,500 to $24,700) required for the environmental review documents revisions due to project design changes and time delays due to required permitting.
  17. Acceptance of lowest responsive bids for Cameron Parish Private Property Debris Removal – DEMO RFP’s Batches 2-6, and grant president authority to sign all required documents and contracts
  18. Accept Bids for 2024
    1. White Goods
    2. Dust Control
    3. Limestone
  19. Review and accept the monthly financial statements and budget to actual comparison
  20. Pay Bills

Adjourn Meeting

View the official Agenda here.