THURSDAY, May 11, 2017
4:00 P.M.

1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Approval of Add-ons:
5. Drilling & Pipeline Permits:
a. Port Arthur Pipeline, LLC – Johnson Bayou, Section 7, 13, 18, T15S, R15W,
(proposed installation of Port Arthur Pipeline and KMLP Lateral and Meter
Station), Cameron Parish, LA. (170506)
b. Robertson Energy – Black Bayou Field, Section 8 & 17, T12S, R12W, (proposed
installation of (4) 4-inch flowlines to transfer product from Black Bayou Central
Facility to the Black Bayou Central storage), Cameron Parish, LA. (170509)
c. Toce Energy, LLC – Hackberry, Section 28, T12S, R12W, Sections 23, 24, 25, &
26, T12S, R11W, (proposed culvert, 16′ access road, 335′ x 240′ well pad, and
ring levee for drilling the West Side Story Prospect No. 1 Well, No. 2 Well and
West Side Story Prospect SWD Well No. 1 and plant terraces in open water for
marsh creation, property enhancement and protection of the access road to well
site), Cameron Parish, LA. (170512)
6. Other Permits:
a. Fieldwood Energy, LLC – East Cameron Area Block 2, Lat 29 40 47.683, Long
93 00 32.593, (proposed after-the-fact repairs to leaking 4-inch gas flowline; EUA
17-020), Cameron Parish, LA. (170501)
b. Stone Energy Corporation – Johnson Bayou, Crain Property, Section 24, T15S,
R13W, Section 26 & 27, T15S, R13W, (proposed environmental assessment
related to historical oil and gas exploration activities), Cameron Parish, LA.
c. Columbia Gulf Transmission, LLC – Sweet Lake, Section 23, T12S, R7W,
(proposed installation of rectifier, AC power pole and deepwell anode bed to
maintain required cathodic protection levels on existing pipelines; West Lateral
Line 100), Cameron Parish, LA. (170503)
d. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District 3 – W1 Canal, Section 30 & 34, 54-68,
T14S, R9W, (proposed maintenance cleaning/dredging of the W1 drainage
lateral), Cameron Parish, LA. (170504)
e. BP America Production Company – Big Lake, Section 10, T12S, R9W, (proposed
JA Bel site remediation; removal and disposal of impacted soils to approximately
10 feet and area to be backfilled and reverted back to residential use), Cameron
Parish, LA. (170505)
f. Columbia Gulf Transmission, LLC – Sweet Lake, Section 14, T12S, R7W,
(proposed replacement of existing Chandler Gas Chromatograph with new ABB
Gas Chromatograph in all-weather enclosure), Cameron Parish, LA. (170507)
g. J.A. Davis Properties, LLC – Cameron, Wakefield Rd., Section 25 & 36, T14S,
R10W, (proposed geotechnical investigation for engineering design and analysis
associated with future rehabilitation efforts on associated properties), Cameron
Parish, LA. (170508)
h. Carl Fontenot – Hackberry, Off Christy Dr., Section 44, T12S, R10W, (proposed
to construct a residential home, circle driveway, pier, and boathouse on Lots 56
and 57), Cameron Parish, LA. (170510)
i. Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, LLC – Johnson Bayou, Eastern
Shoreline of Sabine Pass, Section 13, T15S, R16W, (proposed to install concrete
erosion control A-Jack blocks to prevent bank line erosion and to protect the
integrity of the existing NGPL Louisiana No. 01 and No. 02 pipelines), Cameron
Parish, LA. (170511)
7. Appointments:
a. Johnson Bayou Fire District No. 10 – Dick Burbank resigned, Appoint Magnus
“Sonny” McGee for remainder of term.
b. Ambulance District No. 2 – Dick Burbank resigned, Appoint Ronnie Doucett for
remainder of term
c. Fire Protection District No. 14 – Scott Creel, term expired
d. Fire Protection District No. 16 – Clifford Broussard, term expired
e. Hackberry Recreation District – Bethany Moore, term expired
f. Johnson Bayou Recreation District – Adrianne Jinks, term expired
g. Recreation District No. 5 – Kayla Conner – term expired
8. President Authority to Sign:
a. Resolution to Authorize the Sale of $1,000,000 of Bonds for the Hackberry Fire
District and Provide for the Levy of Ad Valorem Taxes for Payment of Said
b. Courthouse Renovation Project, LCDBG Grant No. B-08-DT-22-0001
Environment Review Record – Certificate of Categorical Exclusion
c. Resolution Approving Cameron Parish Participation in Multi-Parish Emergency
Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement
d. Approve Audit Engagement Agreement with Gragson, Casiday & Guillory, LLP
for the Year Ending December 31, 2016
e. Approve Legislative Auditor Compliance Questionnaire for 2016 Audit
f. State Highway Maintenance Agreement with Louisiana Department of
Transportation & Development (DOTD)
g. Amend Budget and Submit Closeout packets for Rehab, First Time Homebuyer
and Incentive programs.
9. Accept Lowest Bid for Project No. 2016-87 Kings Bayou Water Relief Structure –
Phase 1
10. Conduct Public Hearing to Receive Public Comment on Proposed Amendment
to Cameron Parish Code of Ordinances – Flood Damage Prevention – Article IV.
Administration, Sect 31. Designation of Floodplain Administrator
11. Adopt Amendment to Cameron Parish Code of Ordinances – Flood Damage
Prevention – Article IV. Administration, Sect 31. Designation of Floodplain
12. Approve Sale of Surplus Vehicles for June 3, 2017 with Guinn Auctions
13. Designation of Records Retention Officer
14. Approve Revised Meeting Dates and Times
15. Pay Bills