4:00 P.M.

1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Approval of Add-ons:
5. Other Permits:
a. ANR Pipeline – Holly Beach, Section 28, T14S, R11W, (proposed to install new
rectifier and deep anode ground bed for cathodic protection om existing ANR
Line 794), Cameron Parish, LA. (170301)
b. C. F. Henry Properties, LLC – Cameron, Davis Rd., (proposed maintenance and
repairs to existing marine facilities (docks) at Baker Hughes Terminal to restore
barge offloading and loading capabilities), Cameron Parish, LA. (170302)
c. John Hardin – Hackberry, Joe Dugas Rd., Section 51, T12S, R10W, (proposed to
backfill non-vegetated water bottom to provide property to enlarge business and
build up property, approximately 1.25 acres to be filled and 1.50 acres of
unauthorized fill has taken place), Cameron Parish, LA. (170303)
d. Plains Pipeline, LP – Lowry, Sections 15, 16, 22, 27, T14S, R4W, (proposed
right-of-way vegetative maintenance on an existing 12-inch, 3-inch, and 4-inch
Plains Pipeline), Cameron Parish, LA. (170304)
e. Rutherford Beach Development Company, LLC – Creole, Rutherford Beach,
Section 7, T15S, R7W, (proposed construction of residential dwelling located on
Lot 49 of Rutherford Beach Subdivision), Cameron Parish, LA. (170305)
6. Appointments:
a. Fire Protection District No. 1 – Hans “Edward” Peterson, term expired,
Appoint Wendy Gaspard
b. Fire Protection District No. 1 – Bryon “Goose” Richard, term expired
c. Fire Protection District No. 10 – Mark McCombs, term expired
d. Gravity Drainage District No. 7 – Ernest Carol Trahan, term expired
e. Gravity Drainage District No. 7 – Rodney Billiot, term expired
f. Gravity Drainage District No. 8 – Darryl Poole, term expired
g. Beachfront Development District No. 2 – LeAnn Stewart, resigned,
Appoint Darlene Higgins to finish remainder of term.
7. President Authority to Sign:
a. Intergovernmental Agreement with Calcasieu Parish Police Jury for Disaster
Staging Area.
b. Resolution to extend Haliburton ITE Contracts 60632A, 60636A, 60636B and
20080875 for one additional year
c. Resolution to extend MI Swaco/Shlumberger ITE Contract 060022 for one
additional year
8. Approval of Liquor Permit for DG Louisiana, LLC dba Dollar General Store
#11467, 805 Main Street, Hackberry, LA 70645
9. Pay Bills