2:00 P.M.

Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
  4. Approval of Minutes
  5. Approval of Add-ons:
  6. Drilling & Pipeline Permits: No Permits
  7. Other Permits: (MH)
    a. Terry Gaspard – 508 Porpoise Ave, Holly Beach, Section 10, T15S, R11W, (proposed
    after the fact permit to restore property back to its original state damaged by storm that
    resulted in 400 cubic yards of hauled-in sand material), Cameron Parish (200301)

    b. Fieldwood Energy, LLC – East Cameron Area, Block 2, Latitude 29 40 55.89,
    Longitude -90 00 47.96 (proposed after the fact permit application for the emergency
    repairs of 3-inch flowline), Cameron Parish (200302)

    c. Chris Richard – NW Hackberry, Near Sabine Lake, North of Sabine National Wildlife
    Refuge, Section 23, 25, T12S, R14W; Section 29, T12S, R13W (proposed Sabine
    Outback South Hydrologic Restoration; installation of three earthen plugs armored with
    concrete revetment mats and construction of 1.3 acres of earthen terraces to restore
    historic hydraulic conditions and reduce the impacts of saltwater. All excavated fill
    material will be removed from existing borrow areas), Cameron Parish (200303)

    d. CenterPoint Energy Resources Corporation – Davis Road, Cameron, Section 31, T14S,
    R09W (proposed to install 1,950 linear feet of 2-inch natural gas main, and 125 linear
    feet of 1-inch natural gas service line to serve Cameron Restaurant and Marina), Cameron
    Parish (200304)

    e. CenterPoint Energy Resources Corporation – 1680 Marshall Street, Cameron, Section
    35-37, T15S, R09W (proposed to install 2,850 linear feet of 2-inch natural gas line to
    provide Cameron Lodgings RV Park with natural gas service), Cameron Parish (200305)

    f. Venture Global Calcasieu Pass, LLC – 332 Davis Road, Cameron, Latitude 29 47 4.17,
    Longitude -93 19 32.74 (proposed installation of (2) two culvert pipes, each measuring
    12-inch in diameter x 50-foot long, to drain surface water from the west side of the road
    to an existing ditch on the east side of Davis Road, to alleviate sheet flow between the
    Martin Support Facility fence line, the facilities (3) three driveway entrances, and Davis
    Road), Cameron Parish (200306)

    g. Marquis Resources, LLC – Grand Lake, Latitude 29 55 47.3, Longitude -92 44 28.6
    (proposed to install 2-4˝ flowlines to serve Grand Lake Rebel Prospect), Cameron Parish

    h. Roy Bailey Construction – Highway 384, Sweetlake, Section 17, T12S, R07W
    (proposed temporary storage of excavated material within permitted borrow pit project
    area), Cameron Parish (200308)

    i. Ricky L. Green – Kathy Drive, Johnson Bayou, Section 8, T15S, R12W; Section 14,
    T15S, R13W (proposed to clear 5000 square foot lot and construct 24 x 36 slab for
    parking of Recreational Vehicle for residential use), Cameron Parish (200309)

    j. ANR Pipeline Company – Mermentau River, Grand Chenier, Section 5, T15S, R06W;
    Section 4, T15S, R06W (proposed Grand Chenier Xpress Project involves modifications
    to ANR’s existing Grand Chenier Compressor Station that includes restaging the existing
    Dresser Rand compressor unit and modifications to Mermentau River GCX Meter Station
    and includes installation of additional meter run and related appurtenant facilities to
    increase capability from 700,000 Dth/d to 1,100,000 Dth/d), Cameron Parish (200310)

    k. Shell Energy, LLC – West Hackberry, Section 28, T12S, R12W (proposed after-thefact permit for emergency authorization to construct 4.5́W x 450ˈL x 3́H levee to
    prevent water from topping the road and entering into an existing drill site), Cameron
    Parish (200311)

    l. Ballard Exploration Company, Inc. – Sabine Lake, Johnson Bayou, Latitude 29 53
    14.78, Longitude -93 49 20.19 (proposed plug and abandonment of SL 18158 No. 0001
    well and associated 4-inch flowline and structures), Cameron Parish (200312)

    m. Sabine Pass LNG, L.P. – 9243 Gulf Beach Highway, Johnson Bayou, Section 19,20,
    T15S, R15W (proposed SPLNG Dredge Maintenance Project; project includes to
    maintenance dredge an existing marine berth, an existing construction dock, and a
    proposed new marine berth along the Sabine River Channel in Cameron Parish.
    Activities include dredging annually from these areas and placing the material into
    Louisiana Point Beneficial Use Area (BUA) for shoreline protection, creation of a
    wetlands and wildlife habitat), Cameron Parish (200313)

    n. Cairn Energy Partners – Black Bayou, Hackberry, Section 18, T12W, R12W (propose
    access to existing drill slip utilizing existing natural and man-made waterways to drill oil
    and gas well, Black Bayou Prospect West), Cameron Parish (200314)

    o. Cairn Energy Partners – Black Bayou, Hackberry, Section 18, T12W, R12W (propose
    access to existing drill slip utilizing existing natural and man-made waterways to drill oil
    and gas well, Black Bayou Prospect East), Cameron Parish (200315)

  8. Appointments: (MC)
    a. Waterworks District No. 9 – Tabled from last month
    b. Lower Cameron Hospital District No. 2 – Tabled from last month
    c. Gravity Drainage District No. 8 – Tabled from last month
    d. Fire Protection District No. 1 – DeDe Sanders, term expired
    e. Fire Protection District No. 7 – Jude Primeaux, term expired
    f. Fire Protection District No. 7 – Neal Conner, term expired
    g. Fire Protection District No. 9 – Mitch Baccigalopi, term expired
    h. Fire Protection District No. 14 – Ron Johnson, term expired
    i. Fire Protection District No. 14 – C.S. Darrbonne, term expired
    l. Fire Protection District No. 14 – Greg Manuel, term expired
    k. Gravity Drainage District No. 8 – Tommy Arceneaux, term expired
    l. Waterworks District No. 11 – Wayne Hebert, term expired
    m. Gravity Drainage District No. 3 – Oren DeBarge, resigned, appoint Shirley Gray
    n. Waterworks District No. 11 – Bryan Granger, resigned (Table 60 days due to Mr.Granger’s term expiring 5/5/2020)
  9. Conduct Public Hearing for Proposed Amendments to Chapter 10, Article VII –
    Temporary Food Service – Festivals and Fairs (KB)
    Sec. 10-68. Recognized Festivals and Fairs
    For purposes of the Louisiana Sanitary Code, the following festivals and fairs are hereby
    officially acknowledged by the police jury as recognized festivals and fairs within the Parish of
    (1) Louisiana Fur and Wildlife Festival
    (2) St. Mary of the Lake Fall Food Festival
    (3) Grand Chenier Alligator Festival
    (4) Summer Bayou Bash Festival
    (5) Hackberry Duck-Off
    (6) Cameron Saltwater Fishing Festival
    Temporary food service vendors may sell food and/or drink in a temporary location at the above
    listed fairs and festivals, provided such vendor is in compliance with all applicable provisions of
    the Louisiana Sanitary Code. Neither a Temporary Food Service Permit, nor an Occupational
    License are required for temporary food vendors selling at a recognized festival or fair listed
    Sec 10-69. Temporary Food Vendors: Holly Beach
    Temporary food service vendors can sell food or drink in a temporary location on Holly Beach
    (1) Such vendors must be compliance with all provisions of the Louisiana Sanitary Code;
    (2) A Temporary Food Service Permit must be obtained from the Cameron Parish Police
    Jury before an occupational license can be purchased.
    (3) The Temporary Food Service Permit may be purchased from the Cameron Parish
    Police Jury at a cost of $100.
    (4) The Temporary Food Service Permit is valid from the date of issuance until
    December 31 of the year of issuance.
    (5) The Temporary Food Service must be located in a site which is both reasonably safe
    and convenient for the public and must be approved by the Cameron Parish Police
    Jury Permitting Office.
    (6) A limit of no more than 4 temporary food service permits issued within one-year,
    excluding vendors selling food products such as ice cream, frozen novelties, snow
    cones, etc.
    Sec. 10-70. Non-Profit Temporary Food Service Vendors
    In areas of the parish not covered by Sec. 10-69, a Temporary Food Service vendor can sell food
    or drink in a temporary location only if:
    (1) The Temporary Food Service Vendor is a non-profit organization or is operating on
    behalf of or for the benefit of a non-profit organization.
    (2) Such vendor is in compliance with all applicable provisions of the Louisiana Sanitary
    Code; and
    (3) A Temporary Food Service Permit must be obtained from the Cameron Parish Police
    Jury before an occupational license can be purchased.
    (4) The Temporary Food Service Permit may be purchased from the Cameron Parish
    Police Jury at a cost of $100.
    (5) The Temporary Food Service Permit is valid from the date of issuance until
    December 31 of the year of issuance.
    (6) The Temporary Food Service must be located in a site which is both reasonably safe
    and convenient for the public and must be approved by the Cameron Parish Police
    Jury Permitting Office.
    Sec. 10-72. Permits
    A valid permit shall be posted in every mobile food service facility, where visible. Permits are
    not transferable. Permit fees will not be pro-rated based on the date of issuance. The Temporary
    Food Service Permit referenced above can be waived or reduced for non-profit organizations, in
    the discretion of the Cameron Parish Police Jury Permitting Office
  10. Authority to Amend Chapter 10, Article VII – Temporary Food Service – Festivals and Fairs (as listed in Item 9) (KB)
  11. Accept Bids for CDBG-DR Rockefeller Shoreline Protection ME37 12PARA3301 and
    authorize President to execute contracts for said project (KA)
  12. Accept Bids for GOMESA Project – Phase 2 Long Beach and authorize President to
    execute contracts for said project (KA)
  13. Authority to advertise to reduce speed limit from 25mph to 15mph on PR 225 (Miller
    Ave), Grand Chenier, LA (EM)
  14. President Authority to sign Resolution Authorizing Rural Public Transit to file an
    application with Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development for a grant
    under 49 CFR 5311, Formula Grant for Rural Areas and 49 CFR 5310, Formula Grants
    for the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities (MC)
  15.  President Authority to sign Proclamation Acknowledging Cameron Parish’s
    Sesquicentennial 150 Year Anniversary (MC)
  16. President Authority to sign Proclamation declaring March 28, 2020 as Blinded Veterans
    Day (MC)
  17. President Authority to sign Resolution Authorizing Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA)
    with Coastal Protection & Restoration Authority (CPRA) for Restore Matching Project
  18. Approve Cameron Council on Aging Meal Program Appropriation $12,000
  19.  Authority to advertise to abandon the north end of Parish Road 3135 (C Street),
    approximately 120ft. Cameron, LA.
  20. Pay Bills (KJ)

Adjourn Meeting
* Indicating Add-ons