4:00 P.M.

1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Approval of Add-ons:
5. Public Hearing – Proposed Amendments to Cameron Parish Code of
Ordinances, Chapter 4 – Animals and Fowl, Article III – Livestock, Sections
4.42 and 4.43
6. Approve Amendments to Cameron Parish Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4 –
Animals and Fowl, Article III – Livestock, Sections 4.42 and 4.43
7. Other Permits:
a. Sam Breaux – Hackberry, Off Sam Breaux Rd., Section 36, T12S, R10W,
(proposed bank modification by placement of rip rap and planting marsh
grass in front of rip rap for habitat enhancement), Cameron Parish, LA.
b. Transcontinental Gas Pipeline, LLC – Johnson Bayou, Section 22, T15S,
R13W, (proposed excavation and work areas for 40 Mile Hydrotest on
pipeline), Cameron Parish, LA. (160302)
c. Columbia Gulf Transmission Company, LLC – Grand Chenier, South Pecan
Lake, Lat 29º 46’ 03.04”, Long 92º 41’ 31.13”, (proposed emergency
use authorization to repair leaking 16-inch natural gas pipeline), Cameron
Parish, LA. (160303)
d. Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries – Rockefeller Refuge, Joseph
Harbor Bay/Humble Canal, Section 11, T16S, R4W, (proposed to
replace Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge Lake 4 water control structure),
Cameron Parish, LA. (160304)
8. Appointments:
a. Cameron Sewer District No. 10 – tabled from prior meeting
b. Ambulance Dist. No. 1 – Micheal Booth term expired (tabled from prior
c. Beachfront Development Dist. No. 1 – Barry Hunt term expired (tabled
from prior meeting)
d. Library Board – appointment tabled from prior month
e. Beachfront Development Dist. No. 2 – Kim Murphy term expired
f. Beachfront Development Dist. No. 2 – Kevin Dupke resigned, appoint
Peggy Griffth
g. Fire District No. 9 – Mitchell Baccigalopi term expired
h. Fire District No. 9 – open seat
i. Fire District No. 14 – Ron Johnson term expired
j. Fire District No. 14 – Greg Manuel term expired
k. Gravity Drainage Dist. No. 8 – Tommy Arceneaux term expired
l. Recreation Dist. No. 9 – Cassie Lebleu term expired
m. Recreation Dist. No. 9 – Charlotte Hess resigned, appoint Angela Guidry
n. Waterworks Dist. No. 11 – Gerald Richard term expired
9. President Authority to Sign:
a. Resolution of Support for Legislation to Continue Funding for the LSU
AgCenter (R1034)
b. Contract Amendment for Royal Engineering HMGP Grant Management
c. Sign Letter of Renewal of Beach Monitoring Agreement with LA Beach
Monitoring Program
d. Sign Joint Letter of Objection to Redistribution of GOMESA Funds
e. Resolution of Support for the Nomination of Nedra Davis to the CPRA
10. Acceptance of Low Bid for Oak Grove Water Control Structure (CIAP
11. Approve Change Order for Additional Square-Footage for Asbestos
Abatement in Courthouse
12. Acceptance of Courthouse Asbestos Abatement as Substantially Complete
13. Authority to Purchase through State Bid Contract:
a. Backhoe
b. 24” Boom Mower and Accessory Items
c. Two Pickup Trucks
d. Roadside Chemicals
14. Approve Louisiana Compliance Questionnaire for 2015 Audit Engagement
15. Appoint Lisa Hunt to Johnson Bayou Fire No. 10 Civil Service Board
16. Pay Bills