2:00 P.M.

Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
  3. Executive Session – Hurricane Insurance Litigation Discussion
  5. Approval of Minutes
  6. Approval of Add-Ons:
  7. Drilling Permits:
    a. Optimistic Oil Company – Johnson Bayou, Section 12, T15S, R16W, (proposed well
    pad for the B P America Well No. 1), Cameron Parish, LA. (230602)
  8. Other Permits:
    a. B P America Production Company – Hackberry, Section 24-25, T12S, R11W; Section
    11, 14, 19, 30, T12S, R10W, (Auster Site; proposed for Hydro-Environmental
    Technology to conduct soil sampling activities in the Black Lake Area within the East
    and/or West Hackberry oil and Gas Fields.), Cameron Parish, LA. (230601)
    b. University of Louisiana – Johnson Bayou, Latitude 29 48 11.81, Longitude -93 53
    52.08, (LO-SPAT Environmental Monitoring: Sabine Lake Site; proposed environmental
    monitoring equipment for LDWF. This study will develop a line of eastern oyster
    brookstock capable of survival, growth, and reproduction in low-salinity environments.),
    Cameron Parish, LA. (230603)
    c. ConocoPhillips Company – Johnson Bayou, Latitude 29 45 47.92, Longitude -93 48
    13.90, (Gumbo North; proposed to drill seven soil borings and document subsurface
    theology), Cameron Parish, LA. (230604)
    d. Sabine Pass LNG, L.P. – Johnson Bayou, Latitude 29 45 41.23, Longitude -93 51
    55.47, (Noble Tract Geotechnical Project Phase 2; proposed to perform geotechnical
    survey to collect core samples and conduct cone penetrometer testing.), Cameron Parish,
    LA. (230605)
    e.Venture Global Calcasieu Pass, LLC. – 250 Davis Road, Cameron, (Halliburton
    Storage Yard – Soil Stabilization; proposed soil stabilization of 2.4 upland acres at
    previously developed 13.2 acre yard for expansion of parking lot and equipment staging
    facilities for the Calcasieu Pass Terminal installation.), Cameron Parish, LA. (230606)
    f. CP Marine Offloading, LLC. – Davis Road, Cameron, (Carter Geotechnical Borings;
    proposed to conduct geotechnical investigations to support the engineering and design of
    developments of an existing site; 5 bore locations in total.), Cameron Parish, LA.
    g. CP Marine Offloading, LLC. – Davis Road, Cameron, (Haliburton Geotechnical
    Borings; proposed to conduct geotechnical investigations to support the engineering and
    design of developments of an existing site; 6 bore locations in total.), Cameron Parish,
    LA. (230608)
    h. Waterworks District No. 1 of the Parish of Cameron Louisiana – Cameron, Creole and
    Grand Chenier, (South Cameron Water Consolidation Project of three existing water
    districts, No. 1, No. 7, and No. 9. Proposed installation and construction for approx.
    32,558’ of 12” HDPE water main, 4,105 linear feet of 10” HDPE water main, 5,712’ of
    8” HDPE water main, 115’ of 6” HDPE water main, 185’ of 10” PVC water main, 1,568’
    of 8” PVC water main, 24’ of 6” PVC water main, 70’ of 8” FPVC water main, and a
    structural concrete ground storage tank for potable water. All HDPE and FPVC water
    main shall be installed by HDD. All PVC lines will be installed by open Trench.).
    Cameron Parish, LA. (230609)
    i. Diamond D. Industries – 3511 Trosclair Road, Creole, (proposed construction of a 5
    acre temporary limestone material and equipment laydown and storage yard and security
    fencing required for the Jeff Davis Electric Co-op 230 KV Transmission Line Loop
    Project. The project will include the placement of geotextile fabric and limestone for the
    laydown yard and the construction of security fencing and gates.), Cameron Parish, LA.
  9. Appointments:
    a. Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Michael Semien, term expired (TABLED FROM
    b. Lower Cameron Hospital Board – Appointment from resignation (TABLED FROM
    c. Mosquito Abatement Control – Karl Styron, term expired
    d. Mosquito Abatement Control – Greg Gray, term expired
    e. Recreation District No. 5 – Tremayne Picou, term expired
    f. Sweetlake-Grand Lake Cemetery Board – Gary Wicke, term expired
    g. Waterworks District No. 7 – Michelle Trahan, term expired
    h. Cameron Parish Port Harbor & Terminal District – Nina Jones, resigned. Appoint
    Vince Theriot for remainder of term
  10. Consideration of approval for the Southwest LA Criminalistics Laboratory Budget for
    2023/2024 Fiscal Year
  11.  Consideration of approval for the Three-Year Capital Outlay Plan for Parish
    Transportation Act
  12. Consideration of commissary Variance for Greg Gachassin & Yamen Slaieh, The Last
    Stand mobile food establishment, 482 Marshall Street, Cameron, LA
  13.  Consideration of adopting Resolution authorizing publication of notice describing the
    geographic limits of Cameron, LA
  14.  Consideration of adopting a Resolution authorizing ordering and calling an election
    November 18, 2023, to consider renewal of an ad valorem property tax millage for:
    a. The purpose of maintaining and operating the Cameron Parish Courthouse and Jail
    b. The purpose of supporting the Health Center in Cameron Parish
    c. The purpose of providing and maintaining garbage collection and disposal services in
    District One
  15.  Authority to advertise to amend Temporary food vendor ordinance to add a deadline for
    permits and revocation of permits in Holly Beach, effective January 1, 2024
  16. Authority to advertise to amend Temporary food vendor ordinance to allow food trucks
    on Cheniere premises
  17. President authority to sign contract with Group Contractors LLC to repair the Courthouse
    and Jail (Pending Legal Review)
  18. President authority to sign contract with Group Contractors LLC to repair the Cameron
    Main Library (Pending Legal Review)
  19. Approve 2023 LegisGator Luncheon table $720.00 (Friday, August 18, 2023)
  20.  Review and accept the monthly financial statements and budget to actual comparison
  21.  Pay Bills

Adjourn Meeting

View the official Agenda here.