3:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Approval of Add-ons:
5. Drilling & Pipeline Permits:
a. Robertson Energy, LLC – Hackberry, Section 8, T12S, R12W, (proposed
structures to drill the T-Rex 1 and T-Rex 2 Prospects), Cameron Parish, LA.
b. Robertson Energy, LLC – Hackberry, Section 8, T12S, R12W, (proposed
structures for drilling the J. B. Watkins No. 274 Well), Cameron Parish, LA.
6. Other Permits:
a. Sam Breaux – Hackberry, Redfish Row Subdivision, Off Christy Drive, Section
44, T12S, R10W, (proposed to construct (6) RV pads on Lot 5 and (6) RV pads
on Lot 6), Cameron Parish, LA. (170605) (Tabled From Last Month)
b. Apache Louisiana Minerals LLC – East Mud Lake, Sections 25, 33, 36, T14S,
R11W, Sections 17, 20, 29, 30, 31, T14S, R10W, (proposed East Mud Lake
Hydrologic Restoration CWPPRA Project CS-20; repair of two existing water
control structures and the replacement of one existing water control structure to
include Boat Pass / Stop Log Bay, rip rap to be placed along structure inlet and
behind the structure header to protect from scour and approximately 8,666 linear
feet of levee to be repaired/recapped), Cameron Parish, LA. (170701)
c. Cameron Parish Police Jury – Black Bayou, Lat 30 03 27.93, Long -93 36 59.04,
(proposed Black Bayou Hydrologic Restoration Maintenance Project CS-27;
relocation of the Burton Sutton Weir and installation of rip rap to protect from
scouring and scour protection of the Block’s Creek Weir), Cameron Parish, LA.
d. CPRA – Holly Beach, Sections 3-6, 8-19, T15S, R10W, (proposed geotechnical
soil borings for the design of the CWPPRA Oyster Lake Marsh Restoration
Project CS-0079), Cameron Parish, LA. (170704)
e. ANR Pipeline – Johnson Bayou, Section 2, T15S, R13W, (proposed (4) integrity
digs on existing ANR Line 794/701 natural gas pipeline), Cameron Parish, LA.
f. CPRA – Rabbit Island, Sections 9, 10, 15, 16, T14S, R10W, (proposed
geotechnical soil borings for the design of the NRDA CS-0080 Rabbit Island
Restoration Project), Cameron Parish, LA. (170706)
7. Appointments:
a. Appoint Crystal Savoie to Cameron Recreation No. 6 Board for remainder of term
for Amanda Simpson
b. Fire Protection District No. 7 – Glinda Boudreaux, term expired
c. Fire Protection District No. 15 – Ricky Hargrave, term expired
d. Fire Protection District No. 15 – Bryan Weekly, term expired
e. Fire Protection District No. 15 – Johnathan Breaux, term expired
f. Fire Protection District No. 15 – Corey Vincent, term expired
g. Gravity Drainage District No. 3 – Ronald Nunez Sr., term expired
h. Johnson Bayou Recreation District – JonathanTrahan, term expired
i. Recreation District No. 9 – Janetta LaLande, term expired
j. Fire Protection District No. 10 – Ray Miller resigned
k. Johnson Bayou Recreation District – Ronny Doucet resigned, appoint Janna
l. Fire District No. 1 Civil Service Board – appoint Tammy Vincent
8. President Authority to Sign:
a. Sub-Grantee Agreement for 1792 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
b. Intergovernmental Agreement with LA DOTD for Federal Off-System Bridge
Rehabilitation and Replacement Program – Cameron Parish
c. Resolution of Support to CWPPRA for the Sabine Marsh Creation Cycles 6 & 7
Project and for Phase I Funding for Engineering and Design
d. Resolution Authorizing President to Sign any and all Closing Documents for LLT
Property Sales on behalf of the Cameron Parish Police Jury
9. Approve Audit Report for year ending December 31, 2016
10. Approve Quotes for Employee Group Insurance Renewals:
a. Hospitalization
b. Dental & Vision
c. Life Insurance
11. Pay Bills
12. Executive Session:
Litigation (Boudreaux v CPPJ)