11:00 A.M. (or at conclusion of Morning Agenda Meeting)AMENDED AGENDA
Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
- Motion to Approve Add-Ons:
(Item 4c) – Muria Fire Station – Alfred Palma Dispute - Executive Session:
a. Hurricane Insurance Litigation Discussion
b. Coastal Zone Litigation Discussion
1. Auster: The Parish of Cameron v Auster Oil and Gas, Inc. et al. Docket No. 10-19582
2. Burlington: (Deep Lake): The Parish of Cameron v Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Company, LP, et al. Docket No. 10-19575
3. Anadarko (Crab Lake): The Parish of Cameron v Anadarko E&P Onshore, LLC, et al. Docket No. 10-19578
c. Muria Fire Station – Alfred Palma Dispute* - Motion to Adopt June 2024 meeting minutes
- Motion to Approve Other Permits:
a. Cameron Parish Police Jury – 235 Davis Road, Cameron, (proposes to conduct geotechnical soil borings in the design of the proposed upgrades to the existing Redman Pump Station. Up to three borings will be conducted within an existing paved/gravel pump station facility. Each bore will be a maximum 3-inch-diameter by 100 feet deep, with soil cuttings placed on either side of the borehole. Half of the spoil will be hauled offsite and transported to a lab for testing and then disposed at an approved waste facility. No vegetated wetland or waterbodies will be impacted by the proposed borings or access. An ATV-mounted drilling rig will be used to advance the boreholes and collect geotechnical data), Cameron Parish, LA. (240701)
b. U S Fish and Wildlife Service – Sabine National Wildlife Refuge – west side of Calcasieu Lake, (North of Hog Island Gully Tidal Creek Construction; proposes within lower elevation marshes of the beneficial use area north of Hog Island Gully Canal, a 12 four foot wide and 2 foot deep tidal creeks having a total length of 18,174 feet. Project is needed to improve the functional values of the marshes created by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Beneficial Use Program and specifically to improve habitat conditions for the at-risk saltmarsh topminnow), Cameron Parish, LA. (240702)
c. Venture Global LNG, Inc. – Off Amoco Road, Cameron, (proposes to conduct field explorations, including soil borings and cone penetration test soundings within Cameron Prairie National Wildlife Refuge East Cove Unit. The borings will be completed to provide geotechnical design recommendations for disposal of fill material resulting from the construction of the proposed CP-2 facility and proposed maintenance dredging activities for the existing CP-1 facility and then transported by pipeline for beneficial use (marsh creation/restoration) at the CPNWR. This will result in 1,400 acre area of dredged fill), Cameron Parish, LA. (240703)
d. Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, LLC – 652 Deep Bayou Road, Johnson Bayou and Sweetlake, Section 32 & 33, T14S, R14W; Section 27 & 28, T14S, R13W; Section 16, T12S, R6W; and Section 7 & 8, T12S, R5W, (NGPL 8720 and 8721 Make Piggable Project; proposes to replace and install new pipeline traps, valves, and tees along the NGPL Louisiana Line No. 2 to make an existing 30” pipeline segment and 36” pipeline segment piggable. The project will allow passage of smart pig for routine cleaning, maintenance, and inspection in accordance with PHMSA requirements. The project will take place at five existing facilities in Cameron Parish), Cameron Parish, LA. (240704) - Motion to Approve Appointments:
a. Library Board of Control – Motion to rescind appointment of Alice Duhon made last month, wrong name given for appointment
b. Cameron Wastewater District No. 1 – Motion to rescind appointment of Joe Dyson made last month, he does not qualify to be on the board. Appoint Ruben Doxey
c. Fire Protection District No. 10 – Glen Trahan, term expired
d. Fire Protection District No. 16 – Darrell Hebert, term expired
e. Gravity Drainage District No. 5 – Armand “Bubba” Richard, term expired
f. Gravity Drainage District No. 5 – Mitchel Baccigalopi, term expired
g. Johnson Bayou Recreation District – Pamela Romero, term expired
h. Lower Cameron Hospital District – Sheila Miller, term expired
i. Tourism Commission Board – Mary Johnson, term expired
j. Tourism Commission Board – Stephanie Rodrigue – term expired
k. Nominations for Lake Charles Port Board Seat - Motion to Approve President Authority to Sign:
a. Proclamation – Mr. Garner Nunez
b. Change Order COR 007REV – Cameron Main Library for delay of storefront doors, increase contract amount by $6,539.00 and increase contract time by 199 days
c. Substantial Complete – Cameron Main Library
d. Substantial Complete – Courthouse & Jail - Motion to open public hearing on proposed amendments to Article IV Grass, Weeds, and Cleanliness Ordinance
Section 9-36. Cutting and Removal from Certain Lots
(a) In accordance with LRS 33:4754, it shall be unlawful for persons (1) owning or occupying lots within recognized subdivisions in Cameron Parish or (2) owning or occupying lots adjacent to property which has a residence or home in Cameron Parish; to fail to regulate the growth and accumulation of grass, obnoxious weeds, or other deleterious are unhealthful growths, as well as trash, debris, refuse, and discarded or noxious matter, and garbage.
(b) In accordance with LRS 33:4754, it shall be unlawful for persons owning or occupying lots less than one (1) acre in size, outside of recognized subdivisions and/or not adjacent to another residence or home per section (a) hereinabove, and within the unincorporated areas of Cameron Parish, to fail to regulate the growth and accumulation of grass, obnoxious weeds, or other deleterious or unhealthful growth, as well as trash, debris, refuse, discarded or noxious matter, and garbage.
(c) The parish administrator for Cameron Parish or his/her designee is hereby authorized to determine non-compliant properties inside and outside of recognized subdivisions based on the following criteria:
(1) Using discretion and developing administrative guidelines and policies to carry out the intent and purpose of this article.
(2) Height of grass and weeds.
(3) Property constituting a public nuisance.
(4) Property constituting a health and/or safety hazard, i.e., fire potential, rodent infested.
(d) The following properties will be exempt from the provisions of this article:
a. Properties currently used for agricultural purposes.
b. Properties for which the parish has received official notification from the U.S. Corps of Engineers putting the parish on notice that such properties have been designated as wetland areas; or other properties deemed wetland areas by the U.S. Corp of Engineers. - Motion for authority to amend Article IV Grass, Weeds, and Cleanliness Ordinance as listed above
- Motion for authority to advertise to amend Speed Limit on Parish Road 4114, Klumpp Lane, Grand Lake, LA., from 25 mph to 15 mph
- Consideration of purchasing a table for 8 at the Annual LegisGator Luncheon in the amount of $800
- Motion to rescind adoption of Millage Rates for Ad Valorem Taxes for 2024 last month
- Motion to adopt revised Millage Rates for Ad Valorem Taxes for 2024
- Motion for authority to hire Full Time Human Resources Employee (tabled from last month)
- Motion for authority to advertise Ordinance revision to correct geographic boundaries for Hackberry Fire Protection District No. 1
- Approval of ratification for current president to sign all documents for Capital Outlay funding for 23-24
- Review and accept the monthly financial statements and budget to actual comparison
- Motion that approved Bills be Paid
* Indicating Add-ons
You can view the official agenda here.