2:00 P.M.

Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
  4. Approval of Minutes
  5. Approval of Add-Ons:
  6. Drilling Permits:
    1. White Oak Operating Co., LLC – Cameron, Section 23, T14S, R09W; Section 26 T14S, R09W, (proposed to drill the ABB 2 RB SUA; J.A. Davis 26 no. 005 Well in the Backridge Field. The project was previously permitted under P20181350, which has expired) Cameron Parish, LA. (211102)
    2. Hackberry Carbon Sequestration, LLC – Hackberry, Latitude 30 00 08.44, Longitude -93 25 0.88, (proposed Hackberry Carbon Sequestration Project; proposed 16-inch Suction pipeline,12-inch Injection pipeline, and Carbon Sequestration Well. LNG and industrial customer worldwide are seeking natural gas sourced through lower-carbon processes to meet their energy needs and are looking to US suppliers to supply this cleaner product. HCS will be able to facilitate the sequestration of captured carbon from nearby LNG and industrial facilities, thereby locking the greenhouse gas away in subsurface geologic structures for all time), Cameron, LA. (211106)
  7. Other Permits:
    1. ConocoPhillips, Company – Grand Chenier, Lat 29 41 11.87, Long -93 01 7.48, (proposed to mobilize a jack-up rig onto the ConocoPhillips A-1 Well West Cameron Block 33 to perform P & A remediation operations), Cameron Parish, LA. (2111101)
    2. Cameron Parish Police Jury – Grand Chenier, Lat 29 42 42.53, Long -92 45 56.74, (proposed to perform up to 18 soil borings within marine areas of the Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge as part of the design phase of the Mermentau Basin Inundation Relief Project), Cameron Parish, LA. (211103)
    3. Targa Resources, Inc. – Sabine National Refuge, Lat. 29 56 38.79, Long. -93 39 1.49, (proposed 2-4″ and 2-6″ pipeline interconnects of four existing pipelines at their intersection on Sabine national Wildlife Refuge. A temporary work area at the interconnection site will be established measuring approx. 100′ x 100′) Cameron Parish, LA. (211104)
    4. Cameron Parish Gravity District #4 – Oak Grove, Creole Canal, Section 32, T14S, R07W; Section 5, 15S, 07W, (proposed West Oak Grove Hydrologic Improvements; removal of old, non-functional water control structure, known as Boyd Allen Structure to be replaced with new water control structure (variable-crested weirs) needed for proper drainage and management of water and salinity levels affecting over 3,000 acres of marsh habitat west of the structure site, and construction of an earthen plug to prevent the uncontrolled exchange of water between Creole Canal and interior marshes) Cameron Parish, LA. (211105)
    5. James Guinn – 1290 South Talen’s Landing Road, Klondike, Section 22, 23, 26, 27, T12S, R03W, (proposed restoration of existing levee and construction of new cattle walk to improve cattle range environment. This will result in approximately 14,300 cubic yards of native material to be removed from existing borrow site.) Cameron Parish, LA. (211107)
  8. Appointments:
    1. Beachfront Development District No. 2 – Peggy Griffith, term expired
    2. Johnson Bayou Recreation District – Heath Jinks, term expired
  9. Accept Bids for 2022:
    1. Limestone – Roy Bailey Construction
    2. Dust Control – Dust Control, LLC
    3. White Goods – Louisiana Scrap Metal
  10. Consideration of Variance Request for John Canik, Canik’s Feed & Grocery, 4459 West Creole Hwy, Cameron LA 70631 (Tabled from last month’s meeting)
  11. Conduct Public Hearing to abandon 3.07 Acre Road right-of-way located in Section 35, Township 15 South, Range 13 West, Southwestern Land District, Louisiana Meridian, Johnson Bayou, Cameron Parish, Louisiana
  12. Approval to abandon 3.07 Acre Road right-of-way located in Section 35, Township 15 South, Range 13 West, Southwestern Land District, Louisiana Meridian, Johnson Bayou, Cameron Parish, Louisiana
  13. Consideration of approval for 2022 Louisiana Fur & Wildlife Festival Sponsorship
  14. Accept bids for the new Hackberry Branch Library project VSG# 2026
  15. President Authority to sign Owner Contractor Agreement for the Hackberry Branch Library project VSG# 2026
  16. President Authority to sign Proclamation to Declare November 2021 as National Family Caregiver Month
  17. Approve ratification of Resolution 1147 for Disaster Supplemental Appropriation
  18. President Authority to sign Resolution for Cameron Parish Certifying Compliance with Requirements for Participation in LA DOTD Off-System Bridge Program
  19. Administrator Authority to sign Letter of Support to FERC for the Venture Global CP2 LNG and CP Express Pipeline Project
  20. Authority to announce and advertise a Public Notice of Intent to consider calling an election at the December 9, 2021, meeting for the Consolidated Fire Protections of South Cameron Taxing Districts (Due to wrong date on last month’s announcement)
  21. Approval to reject all bids for the Grand Chenier Fire Station and Cameron Main Fire Station repairs, due to non-compliance. Jury did not give approval to advertise for bids.
  22. Approval to hire redistricting contractor
  23. Change Order No 001 – Johnson Bayou Library, delete wheelchair lift. Contract credit of $25,065.00 no contract time change
  24. Change Order No 003 – Johnson Bayou Library, Water Heater Replacement and leak repairs, damage was not discovered until water was turned back on. Increase contract amount by $1,549.00, no contract time change
  25. Change Order No 006 – Johnson Bayou Library, Repairs to columns for damage not evident at time of inspection. Increase contract amount by $682.00, no contract time change
  26. Adopt Public Records Request Policy
  27. Approval to reject PPDR bids & authorize to rebid after the 1st of the year
  28. President authority to sign resolution supporting the “No Name Bayou Marsh Creation & Nourishment (CS-78), Sabine Refuge marsh Creation Cycles 6 & 7 (CS-81), Long Point Bayou Marsh Creation (CS-85) and Oyster Lake Marsh Creation & Nourishment (CS-79)” for phase II funding from the Coastal Wetland Planning, Protection and Restoration (CWPPRA) Task Force for Construction
  29. Pay October 2021 bills
  30. Executive Session – Opioid Litigation

Adjourn Meeting

* Indicating Add-ons

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