FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2022 2:00 P.M.
Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
- Approval of Minutes
- Election of President
- Election of Vice-President
- Approval of Add-Ons:
- Other Permits:
a. CenterPoint Energy, Inc – Cameron, Marshall Street – LA 27/82, Section 36, T14S, R10W (proposed abandonment projects of Site 1, City Gate (CG), Latitude 29 48 5.55, -93 20 25.63 and Site 2, District Regulator Station (DRS), Latitude 29 47 56.77, -93 19 56.75. Will remove all above ground CenterPoint Energy Facility’s within station sites and restore property to match surrounding areas), Cameron Parish, LA. (220201)
b. ANR Pipeline – Various Locations (proposed project for maintenance/ improvements at various locations along ANR’s existing pipeline facilities. Activities include: installation of C-Clamp test stations at MP 7.0 (29 48 24.76, – 93 32 53.72) and MP 8.3 (29 48 44.44, -93 31 47.09) along the existing ANR Lateral 794 Pipeline; installation/replacement of test leads and stations at MP 8.7 (29 48 5.896, -93 4 42.01), MP 9.0 (29 48 20.94, -93 4 52.24), and MP 12.1 (29 50 41.26, -93 6 28.05) along the existing ANR Lateral 718 Kings Bayou Pipeline; installation of test leads at MP 25.40 (30 2 17.80, -92 49 33.05) and 25.41 along existing ANR Lateral 712 Big Lake Pipeline; installation of reference cells (2 EDI Model UL) at pipeline crossing locations at MP 51.20 (30 0 50.40, -92 47 25.17) of the existing ANR Lateral 767 Pipeline and at MP 35.40 (30 0 50.40, -92 47 25.17) of the existing ANR Lateral 702 Pipeline, then run lead wires approximately 740 feet to new test stations outside of the field area. The purpose of this project is to accurately monitor existing pipeline facilities for integrity and safety), Cameron Parish, LA (220202)
c. Priola and Dillehay Development, LLC – Big Lake, E. Harbor Drive – Section 27, T12S, R09W (Proposed Phase 1 Harbor Hideways; proposes to subdivide a portion of the property to allow for development of camps to be constructed within non-wet areas and the installation of 20’ x 300 gravel driveway), Cameron, LA. (220203) - Appointments:
a. Cameron Parish Port Harbor & Terminal District – Ricky Poole resigned (tabled from last month)
b. Fire Protection District No. 10 – Richard Burbank, term expired (tabled from last month)
c. Appoint Ex Officio to Library Board of Control (tabled from last month)
d. Lower Cameron Hospital District No. 2 – Christine Storm, term expired - Approve Property Insurance Quotes
- Authorize Audit Engagement Agreement with Gragson, Casiday & Guillory, LLP for the Year Ending December 31, 2021
- President authority to sign Compliance Questionnaire with Gragson, Casiday, & Guillory, LLP for the Year ending December 31, 2021
- Authority to extend the current temporary food truck ordinance for another 6 months (IN THE VILLAGE OF CAMERON ONLY) with a new ending date of September 3, 2022
- Conduct Public Hearing for Proposed Amendments to Chapter 14 Motor Vehicles and Traffic ARTICLE III. OPERATION OF VEHICLES GENERALLY Add to Sec. 14-35. Speed Limits (k) It shall be unlawful to operate any motor vehicles from the cross culverts to the east end (554 ft) of the following parish road at a speed in excess of ten (10) miles per hour Parish Road 464, Dupont Drive (554 ft.), Grand Lake, LA
- Authority to amend Chapter 14 Motor Vehicles and Traffic ARTICLE III. OPERATION OF VEHICLES GENERALLY Add to Sec. 14-35. Speed Limits (k) It shall be unlawful to operate any motor vehicles from the cross culverts to the east end (554 ft) of the following parish road at a speed in excess of ten (10) miles per hour Parish Road 464, Dupont Drive (554 ft.), Grand Lake, LA
- Consideration of Industrial Tax Application #20210532 & #20210516 – CP2
- Personnel Policy Changes
- Authority to lift hiring freeze to hire (1) Road & Bridge employee for the Johnson Bayou road crew due to employee retirement
- Authority to lift hiring freeze to hire (1) inspector
- Allocate funding in the amount of $10,273.50 to the LSU Ag Center for Extension Programs for January – June 2022
- President Authority to sign annual LPA Assurance Letter with DOTD
- Change Order No. 001 – Big Lake Pier, Furring under deck boards, deck board are two different sizes, this is needed to bring boards to same height to avoid a tripping hazard. Increase contract amount by $2,671.00, no additional contract time
- Change Order No. 002 – Big Lake Pier, Credit for not painting roofs of the pavilion. Decrease contract amount by ($39,406.25), no contract time change
- Change Order No. 003 – Big Lake Pier, Credit for labor for not installing stainless steel fasteners on exiting deck boards. Decrease contract amount by ($5,664.00), no contract time change
- Change Order No. 004 – Big Lake Pier, Additional time due to project suspension. Increase contract time by 72 days, no contract amount change
- Change Order No. 002 – Grand Lake Library, Changes in Monument sign. Increase contract amount by $17, 236.21, increase contract time by 128 days, for manufacturing the sign
- Changer Order No. 001 – Grand Chenier Library, Delete wheelchair lift. Decrease contract amount by ($25,000.00), no contract time change
- Change Order No. 001 – Demolition Package, Natural grass grew back on some sites before hydroseeding was completed. Credit for Hydroseeding in the amount of ($1,944.00), increase contract time by 19 days to complete this change order
- Consideration of changing 2022 Police Jury Meeting dates
- Accept RFP’s and grant President authority to execute a contract to prepare the Environmental Review Record for the CDBG-MIT Mermentau Basin Inundation Relief project
- Pay Bills
Adjourn Meeting
* Indicating Add-ons
View the official agenda here.