2:00 P.M.
Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
- Approval of Minutes
- Approval of Add-Ons:
- Other Permits:
- Columbia Gulf Transmission – Grand Chenier, Offshore, Latitude 29 36 59.99, Longitude -92 44 37.9, (proposed removal of approximately 500 ft. of the exposed East Cameron 23 natural gas pipeline, measuring 16-inch in diameter, abandoned in place 5 years ago. The remaining pipeline will be capped and left in place), Cameron Parish, LA. (220801)
- Cameron Parish Police Jury – Grand Chenier, Pumpkin Ridge Road, Section 5, T15S, R06W, (proposed installation of King’s Bayou pump station and associated discharge piping adjacent to the existing gravity drainage outfall at King’s Bayou. Project includes (4) 48-inch diameter pumps, intake tubes with screens and discharge piping, and installation of rip-rap material along the water bottom and adjacent bank line of the pump discharge pipes. Perform maintenance of existing storm water lateral adjacent to proposed pump station to help offset the impacts to gravity drainage resulting from sea level rise and place rip-rap material along the slopes of the excavated drainage lateral), Cameron Parish, LA. (220802)
- Apollo Energy Operating Company, LP – Johnson Bayou, End of Cameron Meadows Road, Section 22, T14S, R13W, (proposed Dore’ Fee No. 49 Spill Clean-up; recover and remove collected oil within vegetated area and replace damaged flowline segment upon completion of spill recovery operations), Cameron Parish, LA. (220803)
- Jefferson Davis Electric Cooperative, Inc. – Klondike, Hwy 717, Latitude 30 1 10.70, Longitude -92 43 23.44, (proposed relocating an existing above ground utility brace pole from the roadway and removing an anchor. The work is necessary to provide clearance for LADOTD bridge replacement work (P20211107), Cameron Parish, LA. (220804)
- Environmental Resources Management – Cameron, Section 30, T14S, R09W, (proposed advancement of two 9-inch diameter archeological sediment/soil cores to a depth of 10 feet below ground surface. The purpose of these test cores is to test for burial cultural deposits and document near surface stratigraphic context within the CP Express pipeline area), Cameron Parish, LA. (220805)
- Sabine Pass LNG, LP – Johnson Bayou, 9243 Gulf Beach Highway, Section 20, T15S, R15W (proposed to replace bridge that was damaged and not accessible between Lighthouse Road (private road at the Sabine Pass LNG site) to Parcel H (SPLNG 80-acres laydown workspace), Cameron Parish, LA. (220806)
- CPRA – Cameron, Eastern Lake Rim of Calcasieu Lake, (proposed geotechnical sampling to collect data needed for designing the CS-0087 Calcasieu Sabine Large-Scale Marsh Creation and Hydrologic Restoration Project. The geotechnical data collected will be used for design of the drainage structures and marsh creation cells in order to restore the degraded Cameron Creole Watershed through improved drainage along the Lake Rim and the restoration of approximately 4,000 acres of marsh), Cameron Parish, LA. (220807)
- Tyler Reed – Big Pasture, 907 Big Pasture Rd., Section 30, T12S, R8W, (proposed excavation of pond, measuring (140 ft. x 100 ft.) to provide fill material to built up front of property, driveway, and future house pad. All material will stay on property), Cameron Parish, LA. (220808)
- Appointments:
- Fire Protection District No. 10 – Ian Griffin, term expired
- Gravity Drainage District No. 3 – Ryan Mallory, term expired
- Gravity Drainage District No. 9 – Grant Gremillon, term expired
- Lower Cameron Hospital Board – Margaret Jones, resigned
- Mosquito Abatement Board – Marck Smythe, term expired
- Water Works District No.7 – Lula LeBlanc, term expired
- Water Works District No. 7 – Robin Morales, term expired
- Water Works District No. 16 – Geralyn Myers, term expired
- Beachfront Development District No. 1 – Mike Gaspard, resigned. Appoint Tammy Erbelding for remainder of term
- Louisiana Oyster Task Force – appoint qualified Cameron Parish Representative
- Approval to renew contract with the Picard Group for State and Federal lobbying services
- Allocate funding in the amount of $10,273.50 to the LSU Ag Center for Extension Programs for July – December 2022
- Approve Financial Statement Audit Report for year ending December 31, 2021
- Ratification for president authority to sign Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Application for Parish Health Unit Elevation
- President authority to sign all documents related to Hazard Mitigation applications and grants
- President authority to sign six parish Multi-Jurisdictional Consortium Agreement for Workforce Development
- President authority to sign CEA with State of Louisiana for Act 117 of the 2022 Regular Session to receive grant allocations in the amount of $125,000 for Marshall Street Pump Project and $125,000 for the North Cameron EOC project
- President authority to Resolution authorizing executing settlement documents and depositing settlement funds regarding any and all hurricane insurance claims
- Accept RFP/R’s for disaster remediation services
- Authority for building inspector to send Notice of Condemnation Hearing to all the properties on condemnation list for the PPDR Program
- Review and accept the monthly financial statements and budget to actual comparison
- Pay Bills
Adjourn Meeting