2:00 P.M.

Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
  4. Approval of Minutes
  5. Approval of Add-ons:
  6. Drilling & Pipeline Permits:
  7.  Other Permits: (MH)a. Cameron Parish Gravity and Drainage District No. 4 – Creole, Lat 29 46 34.31, Long
    93 06 34.46 (proposed to replace LaBove Bayou West Structure No. 1 to control water
    flow and salinity between the Creole Canal and interior wetlands, this will result in
    approximately 350 cubic yards of native material to be excavated and backfilled),
    Cameron Parish, LA. (200201)

    b. D.P. Lands – Cameron Meadows Road, Johnson Bayou, Section 28, T14S, R13W;
    Section 33, T14S, R13W (proposed after-the-fact permit of rock material being placed
    along the side of the road in several areas that has eroded), Cameron Parish, LA.

    c. CPRA – West of Calcasieu Ship Channel, Hackberry, Section 11, 13-15, 22-23, T13S,
    R10W (proposed 53 geotechnical borings to obtain geotechnical information for the
    design of the CS-0085, Long Point Bayou Marsh Creation Project), Cameron Parish, LA.

    d. Texas Petroleum Investment Co – Hackberry Field, Section 16, T12S, R10W (proposed
    removal of structures and pipelines due to facility no longer active), Cameron Parish, LA.

    e. ANR Pipeline Company – East Johnson Bayou, Section 2, T15S, R13W; Section 36,
    T14S, R13W (proposed to conduct anomaly dig repairs at three (3) sites along ANR’s
    existing 16-inch natural gas pipeline), Cameron Parish, LA. (200205)

    f. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 5 – Grand Chenier, Section 1, T15S,
    R6W; Section 6, T15S, R5W (proposed cleanout of Bayou Mhire to maintain drainage
    outfall), Cameron Parish, LA. (200206)

    g. Texas Eastern Transmission, LP – Grand Chenier, Section 24, T14S, R7W; Oak
    Grove, Section 36, T14S, R7W (proposed installation of natural gas transmission
    facilities necessary to serve Venture Global Calcasieu Pass Terminal), Cameron Parish,
    LA. (200207)

    h. Nicholas LaRocca – Grand Lake, 1383 Parish Line Rd., Section 1, T12S, R9W,
    (proposed excavation of pond to provide fill material for homesite to construct house pad,
    shop and barn pad, and driveway), Cameron Parish, LA. (200208)

  8. Appointments: (MC)
    a. Waterworks District No. 9 – Tabled from last monthb. Lower Cameron Hospital District No. 2 – Tabled from last month

    c. Cameron Waterworks District No. 1 – Tabled from last month

    d. Fire Protection District No. 7 – Tabled from last month

    e. Cameron Parish Library Board of Control – Appoint Kathleen Simon – Hackberry

    f. Cameron Parish Library Board of Control – Appoint Thomas McDaniel, Ex-officio

    g. Ambulance Service District No. 2 – Glenn Trahan, resigned

    h. Gravity Drainage District No. 8 – Ted Joanen, term expired

    i. Gravity Drainage District No. 5 – Ted Joanen, resigned, appoint Anthony Swire

  9. Authority to Send Recommendation Letter to Governor’s Division of Administration for
    Appointment to Chenier Plain Coastal Restoration and Protection Authority Board (KB)
  10. Proclamation – Mrs. Wanita Harrison (MC)
  11. Proclamation – Mrs. Phyllis Pinch (MC)
  12. Approve Property Insurance Quotes – Louisiana Companies (KJ)
  13. Ratify approval of 2020 Police Jury Meeting Schedule (MC)
  14. President Authority to sign annual LPA Assurance Letter with DOTD (EM)
  15. Authorize Payment for Police Jury Association Dues – $7,200.00 (MC)
  16. Authorize Audit Engagement Agreement with Gragson, Casiday & Guillory, LLP for
    the Year Ending December 31, 2019 (KA)
  17. President Authority to sign Compliance Questionnaire with Gragson, Casiday, &
    Guillory, LLP (KA)
  18. President Authority to sign Resolution to Amend the CEA with Venture Global and
    TransCameron for the “Cameron Amenities” Project (KA)
  19. President Authority to sign Amendment #1 with Fenstermaker – Contract for Engineering
    Services on GOMESA Rockefeller Shoreline Stabilization Project (KA)
  20. President Authority to sign Amendment No. 13 to the Grant Consultant Contract for the
    Parish Implemented Recovery Programs File No. 611-03 with Minvielle &
    Associates, Inc. for Rockefeller Shoreline Stabilization Project (KA)
  21. President Authority to sign Resolution authorizing the submittal of the Activity Closeout
    for Agreement #PA2016-0067 and further authorizing the President of the Police Jury to
    execute all documents related thereto
  22. Authority to Sell Surplus Equipment through public auction with Guinn Auctions (KA)
  23. Authority to reclassify employees
    a. Accounting (KJ)
    b. Road & Bridge (EM)
  24. Accept Cameron Parish Road Project #19-130 as Substantially Complete
  25. Pay Bills (KJ)Adjourn Meeting
    * Indicating Add-ons