11:00 A.M. (or at the conclusion of Morning Agenda Meeting)
Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
- Motion to Adopt January 2025 meeting minutes
- Motion to Approve Add-Ons:
- Motion to Approve Other Permits:
- Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District 4 – East Creole, Section 22, T14S, R07W, (proposed maintenance dredging along 2737 linear feet of drainage ditch to provide adequate drainage.), Cameron Parish, LA. (250201)
- Williams Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Co. – Johnson Bayou, Section 16, T15S, R14W, (proposed to conduct 3 anomaly repairs on existing North High Island B Pipeline. Approximately 111 cubic yards of material will be excavated at each worksite, stockpiled and used as backfill upon completion of the project.), Cameron Parish, LA. (250202)
- Venture Global Calcasieu Pass, LLC – Cameron, (Calcasieu Pass Terminal (CP1) – Maintenance Dredging; proposed Beneficial Use of Dredged Material (BUDM) across approximately 1,312 acres of open water and highly fragmented marsh within the CPNWR East Cove Unit.), Cameron Parish, LA. (250203)
- Cameron Parish Port, Harbor and Terminal District – Cameron, 192 Marshall Street, (proposed site preparation and removal of overgrown brush, breaking up concrete blocks and using them for riprap along waterfrontage on the south side/east end of the existing bulkhead, leveling and hauling in #610 Grey Kentucky Limestone for parking, and installing 8 foot link fence placed around perimeter for security purposes. All concrete tank pads will remain undisturbed.), Cameron Parish, LA. (250204)
- CenterPoint Energy Resources Corporation – Cameron, 125 Franklin Street, (proposes to install approximately 455 linear feet of 2-inch diameter plastic natural gas main pipeline and 80 feet of 2 inch diameter plastic natural gas service pipeline.), Cameron Parish, LA. (250205)
- Motion to Approve Appointments:
- Fire District No. 10 Civil Service Board – Appointment to Open Seat (tabled from last month)
- Beachfront Development District No. 1 – Russell Badon, term expired
- Fire Protection District No. 10 – Sam Coleman, term expired
- Fire Protection District No. 10 – Gorden Long, term expired
- Library Board of Control – Kathleen Simon, term expired
- Recreation District No. 6 – Crystal Savoie, term expired
- Klondike Fire District No. 15 – Appointment to open seat
- Beachfront Development District No. 1 – Nikki Norman, resigned
- Consideration of granting authority to advertise for UTV (Side by Side) Ordinance (tabled from last month)
- Consideration of assessing liquidated damages on the OEP Pavilion Project (tabled from last month)
- Motion to approve ratification for president authority to sign Holly Beach Dump Site Lease renewal
- Motion to approve ratification for president authority to sign Declaration Proclamation State of Incident 25-007 Winter Weather January 17, 2025
- Motion to accept final notice and authority to proceed with PPDR Demo Condemnation for the following Properties:
- 112 Ellender Lane, Hackberry, LA
- 123 Willie Granger Road, Grand Lake, LA
- 141 Borne Lane, Grand Lake, LA
- 1926 Parish Line Road, Grand Lake, LA
- 109 T John Road, Grand Lake, LA
- 116 Little Pasture Road, Big Lake, LA
- Consideration of increasing permit fees for Option 1 and Option 2:
- Residential Development permit
- Manufactured Home Development permit
- Modular Home permit
- Structural Re-inspection Development permit
- Ag or Accessory Building Development permit
- Home Elevation permit
- Residential Re-inspection for Electrical permit
- Commercial Re-inspection for Electrical permit
- Fixtures Plumbing fee
- Re-inspection Plumbing fee
- Residential Gas Piping Fee
- Re-inspection Gas Piping Fee
- Mechanical (HVAC) Fees
- Re-inspection Mechanical (HVAC)
- Motion to accept proposal for Grass Cutting Services for Grass, Weed, Abandoned Property & Condemnation and grant administrator authority to sign contract for awarded proposal
- Motion for President authority to sign Resolution granting authority to administrator to submit FY 2024-2025 LGAP application and sign all relevant documents should the application be funded
- Motion for President authority to sign Resolution granting authority to administrator to submit FY 2024-2025 CWEF application and sign all relevant documents should the application be funded
- Consideration for President authority to sign IGA Amendment No. 3, Agreement No. 2000486644 with Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA), to extend termination date to December 31, 2025, to complete construction of Rockefeller Shoreline Stabilization Project (ME-35)
- Consideration of President authority to sign Resolution adopting the Flex Schedule Policy
- Consideration of Change Orders for the North Cameron Emergency Operations Center:
- COR 006a – Increase contract amount by $20,234.73 and increase contract time by 3 days for Primary Service Conduit
- COR 006b – Increase contract amount by $7,088.72 and increase contract time by 3 days for Transformer Pad
- COR 007 – Decrease contract amount by ($18,125.72), no change in contract time for Generator Move
- Motion to grant authority to the administrator to execute property insurance policies utilizing lowest quotes
- Motion granting administrator authority to sign maintenance contract with Otis Elevator
- Motion to authorize Audit Engagement Agreement with Gragson, Casiday & Guillory, LLP for the year ending December 31, 2024
- Motion granting president authority to sign compliance questionnaire with Gragson, Casiday & Guillory, LLP for the year ending December 31, 2024
- Review and accept the monthly financial statements and budget to actual comparison
- Motion that approved Bills be Paid
- Executive Session:
- Hurricane Insurance Litigation Discussion
- Coastal Litigation: CPPJ v. Anadarko
Adjourn Meeting
* Indicating Add-ons
You can view the official agenda here.