2:00 P.M.

Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
  3. Executive Session – Hurricane Insurance Litigation Discussion
  5. Approval of Minutes
  6. Approval of Add-Ons:
  7. Other Permits:
    1. Apollo Energy Operating Company, LP. – Johnson Bayou, Cameron Meadows Oilfield Road, Section 21, T14S, R13W, (EUA 23-017, proposes access to clean oil spill area and repair/replacement of flowline for the Cameron Meadows Land Company No. 87 and 95 Flowline.), Cameron Parish, LA. (230804)
    2. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Creole, Section 20, T14S, R07W, (proposes to perform maintenance dredging along 1,229 linear feet of drainage lateral “Q”), Cameron Parish, LA. (230805)
    3. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Oak Grove, Section 31, T14S, R06W; Section 34, 35, 36, T14S, R07W, (proposes to perform maintenance dredging along 16,956 linear feet of drainage lateral “A”), Cameron Parish, LA. (230806)
    4. Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Little Chenier, Section 20, T14S, R06W, (proposes to perform maintenance dredging along 4,002 linear feet of drainage lateral “I”), Cameron Parish, LA. (230807)
  8. Appointments:
    1. Consolidated Fire Protections of South Cameron – Delia Sanders, term expired (tabled from last meeting)
    2. Consolidated Fire Protections of South Cameron – Susan Fawvor, term expired (tabled from last meeting)
    3. Consolidated Fire Protections of South Cameron – Tammy Peshoff, term expired (tabled from last meeting)
    4. Fire Protection District No. 14 – Scott Creel, term expired
    5. Fire Protection District No. 15 – Ricky Hargrave, term expired
    6. Fire Protection District No. 15 – Bryan Weekly, term expired
    7. Fire Protection District No. 15 – Matt Hudson, term expired
    8. Fire Protection District No. 15 – Corey Vincent, term expired
    9. Fire Protection District No. 16 – Geralyn Myers, term expired
    10. Fire Protection District No. 16 – Barry Watkins, term expired
    11. Gravity Drainage District No. 8 – Terry Smith, term expired
    12. Lower Cameron Hospital District No. 2 – Allison Romero, term expired
  9. Consideration of renewal of contract with the Picard Group for State and Federal lobbying services
  10. President authority to sign Resolution granting authority to Katie Armentor, Administrator to sign all documents related to insurance renewals for:
    1. Equipment
    2. General Liability
    3. Commercial Auto
    4. Workers Compensation
    5. VFIS
  11. President authority to sign Resolution authorizing rural Public Transit to file an application with Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development for a grant under 49 CFR 5311, Formula Grant for Rural Areas
  12. Approval of resolution granting president authority to execute documents required to implement grant under the CDBG through the Restore LA Infrastructure: FEMA Public Assistance Nonfederal Share Match program
  13. President Authority to sign CEA with LA DOTD for donation of RAP from the LA Hwy 1143 State Project No. H.014870, approximately 48 cubic yards
  14. Consideration of approval for 2023-2024 SWLA Regional Planning Commission District Dues in the amount of $3,569.30
  15. Authority to advertise for bids to repair the Cameron Creole Maintenance Barn & Livestock Pavilion
  16. Authority to remove restrictions placed on funds allocated in the December 2022 Budget meeting for the Grand Lake Recreation Center
  17. President authority to sign Resolution urging the U.S. Secretary of Commerce and the U.S. Trade representative to implement existing measures to limit the overall volume of imported shrimp in America
  18. Consideration of Liquor Permit for Grand Lake Petroleum LLC d/b/a Corner Store, 605 Highway 384, Lake Charles, LA 70607
  19. Consideration of budget increase to the 2018 MSA with Fenstermaker increasing the amount to $2.5M for permitted breakwater projects
  20. Review and accept the monthly financial statements and budget to actual comparison
  21. Pay Bills

Adjourn Meeting

View the official Agenda here.