2:00 P.M.
Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
- Executive Session – Hurricane Insurance Litigation Discussion
- Approval of Minutes
- Approval of Add-Ons:
- Other Permits:
- Apollo Energy Operating Company, LP. – Johnson Bayou, Cameron Meadows Oilfield Road, Section 21, T14S, R13W, (EUA 23-017, proposes access to clean oil spill area and repair/replacement of flowline for the Cameron Meadows Land Company No. 87 and 95 Flowline.), Cameron Parish, LA. (230804)
- Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Creole, Section 20, T14S, R07W, (proposes to perform maintenance dredging along 1,229 linear feet of drainage lateral “Q”), Cameron Parish, LA. (230805)
- Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Oak Grove, Section 31, T14S, R06W; Section 34, 35, 36, T14S, R07W, (proposes to perform maintenance dredging along 16,956 linear feet of drainage lateral “A”), Cameron Parish, LA. (230806)
- Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Little Chenier, Section 20, T14S, R06W, (proposes to perform maintenance dredging along 4,002 linear feet of drainage lateral “I”), Cameron Parish, LA. (230807)
- Appointments:
- Consolidated Fire Protections of South Cameron – Delia Sanders, term expired (tabled from last meeting)
- Consolidated Fire Protections of South Cameron – Susan Fawvor, term expired (tabled from last meeting)
- Consolidated Fire Protections of South Cameron – Tammy Peshoff, term expired (tabled from last meeting)
- Fire Protection District No. 14 – Scott Creel, term expired
- Fire Protection District No. 15 – Ricky Hargrave, term expired
- Fire Protection District No. 15 – Bryan Weekly, term expired
- Fire Protection District No. 15 – Matt Hudson, term expired
- Fire Protection District No. 15 – Corey Vincent, term expired
- Fire Protection District No. 16 – Geralyn Myers, term expired
- Fire Protection District No. 16 – Barry Watkins, term expired
- Gravity Drainage District No. 8 – Terry Smith, term expired
- Lower Cameron Hospital District No. 2 – Allison Romero, term expired
- Consideration of renewal of contract with the Picard Group for State and Federal lobbying services
- President authority to sign Resolution granting authority to Katie Armentor, Administrator to sign all documents related to insurance renewals for:
- Equipment
- General Liability
- Commercial Auto
- Workers Compensation
- President authority to sign Resolution authorizing rural Public Transit to file an application with Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development for a grant under 49 CFR 5311, Formula Grant for Rural Areas
- Approval of resolution granting president authority to execute documents required to implement grant under the CDBG through the Restore LA Infrastructure: FEMA Public Assistance Nonfederal Share Match program
- President Authority to sign CEA with LA DOTD for donation of RAP from the LA Hwy 1143 State Project No. H.014870, approximately 48 cubic yards
- Consideration of approval for 2023-2024 SWLA Regional Planning Commission District Dues in the amount of $3,569.30
- Authority to advertise for bids to repair the Cameron Creole Maintenance Barn & Livestock Pavilion
- Authority to remove restrictions placed on funds allocated in the December 2022 Budget meeting for the Grand Lake Recreation Center
- President authority to sign Resolution urging the U.S. Secretary of Commerce and the U.S. Trade representative to implement existing measures to limit the overall volume of imported shrimp in America
- Consideration of Liquor Permit for Grand Lake Petroleum LLC d/b/a Corner Store, 605 Highway 384, Lake Charles, LA 70607
- Consideration of budget increase to the 2018 MSA with Fenstermaker increasing the amount to $2.5M for permitted breakwater projects
- Review and accept the monthly financial statements and budget to actual comparison
- Pay Bills
Adjourn Meeting
View the official Agenda here.