3:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Approval of Add-ons:
5. Drilling & Pipeline Permits:
a. Kinder Morgan Louisiana Pipeline LLC – Johnson Bayou, Section 22, T12S,
R14W, (proposed to construct a 3.10 mile, 24-inch natural gas pipeline lateral that
will tie into an existing 42-inch natural gas transmission pipeline owned and
operated by KMLP), Cameron Parish, LA. (170802)
b. Hilcorp Energy Company – Chalkley Field, Section 14, T12S, R7W, (proposed
drill site and location to drill the Sweet Lake Land & Oil Well No. 14), Cameron
Parish, LA. (170805)
c. Cameron Interstate Pipeline, LLC – Hackberry, Section 1, T12S, R10W,
(proposed to bore small diameter natural gas pipeline from existing Facility under
Hwy. 27 and tie into meter station site across street approximately 353 feet),
Cameron Parish, LA. (170806)
6. Other Permits:
a. Bobby Miller – Creole, Rutherford Beach, Section 7, T15S, R7W, (proposed
installation of utilities for occasional RV use), Cameron Parish, LA. (170801)
b. Kinder Morgan Louisiana Pipeline, LLC – Johnson Bayou, Sec 13, 18, 19, T15S,
R15W, (proposed modifications to (2) existing industrial KMLP facilities),
Cameron Parish, LA. (170803)
c. Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority – Rabbit Island, Section 9, 10, 15,
16, T14S, R10W, (proposed borrow area geotechnical investigation for CS-0080;
Rabbit Island), Cameron Parish, LA. (170804)
d. Chevron EMC – Grand Chenier, Section 19, T15S, R4W, (proposed restoration,
removal of the Lineham Creek Drill Site and donation associated with
P20110960, Rockefeller Refuge), Cameron Parish, LA. (170807)
e. Eric Broussard – Big Lake, Off Hwy 384, Section 14 & 39, T12S, R9W,
(proposed excavation of pond to provide fill material to build containment levee),
Cameron Parish, LA. (170808)
f. BP America Production Company – Big Lake, Section 9, T12S, R9W, (proposed
Geer Property additional site investigation; conduct soil and sediment sampling),
Cameron Parish, LA. (170809)
g. Roy Bailey Construction, Inc. – Sweetlake, Section 17, T12S, R7W, (proposed
permit extension, P20121016 of sand mining excavation to provide fill material
for area projects), Cameron Parish, LA. (120811)
h. BP America Production Company – Big Lake, Section 9, T12S, R9W, (proposed
placement of approximately 460 cubic yards of rip rap material along
approximately 460 linear feet of shoreline as part of ongoing restoration work),
Cameron Parish, LA. (170810)
i. Jacob & Ashly Golden – Grand Lake, Off Parish Line Rd., Section 1, T12S,
R9W, (proposed excavation of pond to provide fill material for house pad and
property), Cameron Parish, LA. (170811)
7. Appointments:
a. South Cameron Hospital District – Sheila Miller resigned
b. Fire Protection District No. 10 – appoint Richard Burbank for remainder of term
for Ray Miller
c. Cameron Waterworks District No. 1 – Tammy Peshoff resigned, appoint
Fred Sanders for remainder of term
d. Calcasieu Lake Oyster Task Force – Anthony Theriot resigned, appoint Walter
Murrell, Jr
e. Fire Protection District No. 9 – Tina Horn term expired
f. Fire Protection District No. 16 – Geralyn Myers term expired
g. Fire Protection District No. 16 – Barry Watkins term expired
h. Gravity Drainage District No. 8 – Jake McCain term expired
8. Allocation for Planning Assistance to the States Program, not to exceed
9. President Authority to Sign:
a. Resolution authorizing the Police Jury President to execute any and all
documents pertaining to Cameron Parish’s participation in the USACE
Planning Assistance to the States Program for the purposes of analyzing
gulf shoreline protection issues
b. Resolution authorizing the submittal of a project application for funding for the
Rockefeller Gulf Shore Protection Project through the CPRA’s Restore Act –
Parish Matching Program, and authorizing the execution of any necessary
documents related thereto
c. Resolution Appointing Ryan Bourriaque to serve as a Director representing the
Cameron Parish Police Jury on the Louisiana Community Development Authority
d. Resolution authorizing the Police Jury President to sign the Purchase Agreement
with the Hebert Heirs in the amount of $77,000.00 and authorizing the execution
of any and all closing documents pertaining to the purchase of the property for the
Grand Lake Boat Launch
e. OEP Emergency Management Performance Grant Award Submittal to GOHSEP
for $25,526.25 for Fiscal Year 2017
f. CEA with LA Department of Natural Resources for 2017-2018 Cameron Parish
Local Coastal Zone Program Implementation
g. Sub-grantee Agreement with GOHSEP for the Big Burn Spillway Project
h. Annual Governmental Relations Services Agreement with The Picard Group
i. Resolution authorizing the Police Jury President to sign and all closing documents
related to the sale of Adjudicated Property
10. Conduct Public Hearing to Receive Public Comment on Proposed Amendment
to Cameron Parish Code of Ordinances – Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction,
Agriculture buildings and accessory buildings.
11. Adopt Amendment to Cameron Parish Code of Ordinances –
Delete existing, Sec 7-42 (6) and ADD the following to Article V, – Provisions for
Flood Hazard Reduction, Specific standards – Sec 7-42 (6)
Agriculture buildings and accessory buildings must comply with the general
standards of section 7-41, and if fully enclosed, with subsection (3) of this section
within Zones A1-30, AH, and AE on the community’s FIRM.
a. Accessory Building shall be small and not exceed 1,000 square feet in size.
b. Accessory Building shall be unfinished on the interior.
Delete existing, Sec 7-44 (9) and ADD the following to Article V- Provisions for
Flood Hazard Reduction, Coastal high hazard areas – Sec 7-44 (9)
Agriculture buildings and accessory buildings must comply with the general
standards of section 7-41, and must be constructed with non-supporting breakaway
walls, open lattice, or insect screening in all areas below base flood elevation within
Zones V1-30, V and VE on the community’s FIRM.
a. Accessory Building shall not exceed 100 square feet in size.
b. Accessory Building shall be unfinished on the interior.
12. Executive Session
a. Case No. 10-19950 Priola Construction Corporation vs
Cameron Parish Police Jury, ET AL
13. Acceptance of Bids for Hackberry Fire Station
14. Approve Quotes for Employee Group Insurance Renewals:
a. Hospitalization
b. Dental & Vision
c. Life Insurance
15. Authorize execution of a 1-year lease with Ferdinand Nunez Heirs for the
Creole Fire Station Property in the amount of $7,500.00