4:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Approval of Add-ons:
5. Drilling & Pipeline Permits:
a. LLOX, LLC – Deep Lake Field, Section 34, T15S, R3W, (proposed to install and
maintain a proposed drill barge, platform, and appurtenant structures to drill the
North Deep Lake Prospects), Cameron Parish, LA. (170401)
6. Other Permits:
a. Eric T. Stevens – Big Lake, Off Calcasieu Lake Dr., Section 29, T12S, R9W,
(proposed to construct 60’x58′ boathouse and approximately 625’x7′ walkway),
Cameron Parish, LA. (170402)
b. Geoengineers, Inc. – Burton Sutton Canal, Lat 30 2 35.95, Long -93 43 29.69,
(proposed 30-foot soil boring to gather geotechnical data to provide
recommendations for replacement weir as apart of remedial maintenance for CS-
27 project), Cameron Parish, LA. (170403)
c. Atlantic Richfield Company – Grand Lake, Off Hwy 384, Lat 30 01 12.5, Long –
93 10 57.7, (proposed plug and abandonment of 19 monitor wells associated with
Nonhazardous Oilfield Waste Site, referred to as “Big Diamond”), Cameron
Parish, LA. (170404)
d. Hilcorp Energy Company – Pecan Lake Field, Sections 29 & 32, T14S, R3W,
(proposed plug and abandonment of Miami Corp. Well Nos. 2, 2D, 16 and
removal of all associated structures), Cameron Parish, LA. (170405)
e. Cameron Parish School Board – Sabine National Wildlife Refuge, Lat 29 50
16.18, Long -93 12 14.18, Lat 29 50 15.62, Long -93 10 42.50, (proposed
placement of dredge material to construct and plant 58,650 linear ft. of Cameron
Prairie Terraces), Cameron Parish, LA. (170406)
f. Christopher J. Dupont – Grand Lake, Dupont Dr., Section 5, T12S, R8W,
(proposed excavation of pond to provide fill material for future housepad),
Cameron Parish, LA. (170407)
g. Kevin Warner – Creole Area, Various Locations, (proposed maintenance of
existing Theriot, Richard, and Nunez cattlewalk levees; approximately 7,989
cubic yards of native material to be excavated from existing borrow ditch and
placed on existing levees for access to cattle grazing grounds and bedding area),
Cameron Parish, LA. (170408)
h. Edward K. Labove – Creole, Section 30, T14S, R7W, (proposed maintenance of
existing cattlewalk levee; approximately 1,778 cubic yards of native material to
be excavated from existing borrow ditch and placed on existing levee for access
to cattle grazing grounds and bedding area), Cameron Parish, LA. (170409)
7. Appointments:
a. Fire Protection Dist. No. 1 – Tammy Peshoff, term expired
b. Gravity Drainage Dist. No. 4 – Leslie Griffith, term expired
c. Fire District No. 10 Civil Service Board – appoint Jeremy Burton as Fire
Department Representative
d. Fire District No. 10 Civil Service Board – appoint Mark McComb as the
McNeese St. University Representative
e. Oyster Task Force – Appoint Walter Murrell to open seat
8. President Authority to Sign:
a. Approve Cooperative Endeavor Agreement (CEA) with Cameron Parish Sheriff’s
Office for E-911 Operations
b. Sign Letter of Renewal of Beach Monitoring Agreement with DHH – Louisiana
Beach Monitoring Program
c. Amendment to extend the contract end date from 6/30/2017 to 12/31/2017,
effective 3/1/2017, for 525 program.
9. Acceptance of Project No. 2013-71 – Big Burn Spillway Water Relief Structure as
Substantially Complete
10. Acceptance of Bid – Courthouse Renovations Project
11. Authority to Advertise for Bids:
a. Official Journal
b. Hackberry Fire Station
12. Approve Cameron Council on Aging Meal Program Appropriation $12,000
13. Authorize Public Comment Period for Ordinance Change to Chapter 7. Flood
Damage Prevention, Article IV. Administration, Section 31. Designation of
Floodplain Administrator
14. Approve Three-year Capital Outlay Plan for Parish Transportation
15. Adopt Resolution of Support for CWPPRA Projects in Cameron Parish
16. Proclamation – Declare April 2017 as Fair Housing Month
17. Pay Bills
18. Adopt Revised Cameron Parish Police Jury 2017 Meeting Schedule
19. Public Announcement – Intention to Levy 2017 Tax Millages at Public Meeting
Scheduled for May 11, 2017