4:00 P.M.

1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Approval of Add-ons:
5. Drilling Permits:
a. LLOX, LLC – Grand Chenier Field, Section 31 & 32, T14S, R4W, Section 6,
T15S, R4W, (proposed wheel washing of an existing access canal and well
slip to install and maintain drill barge, platform, and appurtenant
structures to drill the East Grand Cheniere Prospects Well No. 001 and 001
Offset), Cameron Parish, LA. (160404)
6. Other Permits:
a. Cameron Parish School Board – Johnson Bayou, Sections 12 & 13, T15S,
R14W, (proposed improvements of Johnson Bayou High School Expansion
to include; placement of fill and grading of undeveloped portions of site,
construction of interior driveways, newly constructed parking area for
students and faculty, newly constructed baseball field adjacent to existing
track complex, and installation of perimeter fencing), Cameron Parish, LA.
b. Shawn Lynn Herpin –Klondike, Louisiana Avenue, (proposed to construct
new walkway and deck for recreational use), Cameron Parish, LA. (140402)
c. Mike Trouth – Hackberry, Off Christy Drive, Section 44, T12S, R10W,
(proposed Bon Ton Bay Phase 2 project to include, construction of (6)
elevated camp structures (50×30), (6) boat slips (30×22), and approximately
700 feet of bulkhead to be installed along private canal), Cameron Parish,
LA. (160403)
d. Shoreline Southeast LLC – Cameron, Sections 22, 27, 28, T14S, R9W,
(proposed removal of 3-inch and 6-inch flow lines associated with the
Henry Well No. 1), Cameron Parish, LA. (160405)
e. Chevron Environmental Management Company – Big Lake Field, Lat 30 1
6.91, Long -93 15 50.54, Lat 30 1 18.11, Long -93 15 24.21, (proposed to
remove oilfield debris and perform site restoration activities; Greg Ogeo
Restoration Project), Cameron Parish, LA. (160406)
f. Chevron Environmental Management Company – Johnson Bayou, East of
Sabine Lake, Lat 29 45 46.71, Long -93 52 59.34, (proposed site restoration
work associated with oil and gas activities; Sabine Pass Remediation
Project), Cameron Parish, LA. (160407)
g. Cameron Parish Ambulance District 2 – Holly Beach Subdivision, Sections
10-12, T15S, R11W, (proposed to construct an ambulance facility (35×35)
for the community of Holly Beach), Cameron Parish, LA. (160408)
h. Bryan Portie – Creole, Section 19, T14S, 6W, (proposed unauthorized
activity involving cleaning out small ditch that was filled with silt and
debris and recapped existing small levee to improve drainage and pump
off area), Cameron Parish, LA. (160409)
i. Hilcorp Energy Company – Pecan Lake Field, Section 29, T14S, R3W,
(proposed barge removal and its associated 5-pile clusters), Cameron
Parish, LA. (160410)
j. Port Cameron, LLC – Cameron, (proposed geotechnical borings to develop
preliminary design for possible mitigation project located southeast of
Calcasieu Lake within the Cameron Prairie National Wildlife Refuge),
Cameron Parish, LA. (160411)
7. Appointments:
a. Ambulance Dist. No. 2 – Richard Burbank term expired
b. Ambulance Dist. No. 2 – Katy Toups term expired
c. Gravity Drainage Dist. No. 4 – Stephen Landry term expired
d. Mosquito Abatement – Nat Griffith term expired
e. West Cameron Port – Ernest Trahan term expired
f. West Cameron Port – Rueben Doxey resigned, recommended
appointment Kay Picou
g. Recreation Dist. No. 6 – replace Patrick Theriot, recommended
appointment Matthew Rodrigue
h. Tourism Development – Ashley Buller resigned
8. President Authority to Sign:
a. Act of Reversion – C.F. Henry Property
b. Contract Amendment – Tetra Tech for Project Prioritization for Cameron
Master Plan
c. Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with NJPA – National Joint Powers
9. Authority to Purchase Two Utility Terrain Vehicles (UTV) through NJPA
Procurement Agreement
10. Authority to Advertise for Bids for 4×4 Tractor
11. Acceptance of Quotes for Cameron M/P Building Generator Auto Transfer
12. Approval of Three-year Capital Outlay Plan for Parish Transportation Act
13. Action on Variance Request – Aaron Lagneaux
14. Authority to Procure – Emergency Debris Collection and Monitoring RFP
15. Authority to Advertise for Bids for Official Journal
16. Approve Liquor Permit for Gilbert Demary – Fat Boys @ Boones Corner
17. Proclamation – Declare April 2016 as Fair Housing Month
18. Pay Bills
19. Adjourn Meeting