11:00 A.M. (or at conclusion of Morning Agenda Meeting)
Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
- Executive Session:
- Hurricane Insurance Litigation Discussion
- Coastal Zone Litigation Discussion
- Motion to Adopt March 2024 meeting minutes
- Motion to Approve Add-Ons:
- Motion to Approve Other Permits:
- Stream Wetland Services, LLC – Holly Beach, (Mud Lake Coastal Restoration Area (MLRA); proposes a coastal marsh creation and enhancement project that will utilize borrow material from Mud Lake to reestablish 126 acres of estuarine marsh. The project area has experienced significant wetland deterioration due to numerous hurricane landfalls.), Cameron Parish, LA. (240401)
- Jefferson Davis Electrical Cooperative (JDEC) – Cameron Parish, (As part of its large-scale emergency response plan, JDEC engaged in a thorough process of wrecking, removing, and disposing of transmission lines, distribution lines, and related assets under an emergency use authorization (EUA #21016 and P20210469). This project represents the next phase in JDEC’s storm repair, replacement and resiliency efforts. JDEC proposes to replace the existing system infrastructure with a single 230kV transmission line. This entails removal, replacement and upgrade of substations, approx. 105 miles of transmission line. Project would be designed to mitigate susceptibility to physical damage, support more load, increase resiliency of the coastal circuits, and allow for quicker restoration of power. Principal activities will involve removing existing emergency repair poles and associated hardware as needed; installing new utility poles conductors, conduit routing, towers, and underground waterway crossings; and building, repairing, and elevating substations.), Cameron Parish, LA. (240301)
- CPRA – Cameron Creole Watershed near Lake Calcasieu, (proposes construction of the Calcasieu-Sabine Large-Scale Marsh and Hydrologic Restoration project (CS-0087), funded through the RESTORE Act Direct Component Program. Project includes substantial marsh drainage improvements in the Cameron Creole Watershed (CCW). Seven (7) lake-rim gravity drainage structures with backflow prevention will be installed into the eastern rim of the existing Calcasieu Lake levee. Creation and nourishment of marsh through the placement of approx. 2.3 million cy of hydraulically dredged material from an approx. 31,000 of section of the borrow canal into up to two (2) separate marsh creation areas spanning approx. 1,458 acres.), Cameron Parish, LA. (240302)
- Venture Global Calcasieu Pass, LLC- Cameron, 671 Davis Road, (after-the-fact emergency permit under (EUA 24-005) for silt blading dredging. Project was approved and issued by USACE on 2-2-24 and by LDENR-OCM on 2-5-24. The silt-blade dredging commenced on 2-6-24 and work is still ongoing. The current silt-blade dredging involves moving material from high to low spots wholly within the existing area. The low spots are also geographically well-separated from the navigation channel and silt blading is not anticipated to result in significant sediment resuspension. Thus, application of this technique will minimize impacts to water bottoms outside of the authorized work area), Cameron Parish, LA. (240403)
- Motion to Approve Appointments:
- Ambulance Service District No. 1 – Chris Mooney, term expired
- Gravity Drainage District No. 3 – Scott Henry, term expired
- Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Todd Morales, term expired
- Gravity Drainage District No. 7 – Don Trahan, term expired
- Gravity Drainage District No. 7 – Rodney Billiot, term expired
- Gravity Drainage District No. 8 – James “Bozo” Cox, term expired
- Ambulance Service District No. 2 – Phyllis Doxey, resigned
- Tourism Commission – JoAnn Nunez, resigned, appoint Geralyn Myers
- Authority to amend motion made by Mr. Fewell, seconded by Mr. Myers on February 14, 2024. Motion read authority to advertise ordinance change for Wastewater District No. 1 Per Diem in accordance with Louisiana R.S.33:3887.9, and should have read South Cameron Consolidated Waterworks District No. 1 Per Diem in accordance with Louisiana R.S. 33:3819
- Motion to Approve to move regular meetings for the rest of the year (May – December 2024), to the 1st Monday of the month, unless the Monday falls on a holiday, then it will be the 1st Tuesday of the month. Meeting times will remain at 10am and 11am
- Authority to advertise for bids for the Official Journal
- Authority to advertise to amend Ordinance 20-115.7 et al (Klondike/Lowry Drainage District)
- Motion to Approve President authority to sign:
- Proclamation Declaring April 2024 as Fair Housing Month
- Proclamation Declaring April 1-5, 2024 as National Community Development Week
- Proclamation Declaring April 7-13, 2024 as National Library Week
- Contract for North Cameron Emergency Operations Center Project
- Resolution No. 1191 – Policies & Procedures for Community Development Block Grant Mermentau Inundation Project
- Resolution No. 1192 – Administrator Authority to Sign required documents for the Community Development Block Grand Disaster Recovery Program through the RESTORE LA Infrastructure FEMA Public Assistance Nonfederal Share Match Program
- Motion to Approve Change Orders for the Grand Lake Maintenance Barn LOC 42:
- COR 007 – Overhead Door Delays – Increase contract time by 45 days
- COR 008 – Wall Base omitted by Design Team in Contract Documents. Increase contract amount by $1,008.00, and increase contract time by 7 days
- COR 009 – Entergy Delays for permanent power, increase contract time by 30 days
- COR 010 – Credit for Unused Utility Fee in the amount of $10,000.00
- Motion to approve Cameron Council on Aging Meal Program Appropriation in the amount of $12,000.00
- Consideration of adopting Resolution describing the geographic limits of the Hackberry Fire Protection District No. One of the Parish of Cameron, State of Louisiana
- Consideration of adopting a Resolution authorizing ordering and calling an election November 5, 2024, to consider renewal of an ad valorem property tax millage for Hackberry Fire Protection District No. One, for the purpose of operating and maintaining said District’s fire protection facilities, and paying the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes, including charges for fire hydrant rentals and service within said District
- Consideration of adopting Resolution describing the geographic limits of the Fire Protection District No. 15 of the Parish of Cameron, State of Louisiana
- Consideration of adopting a Resolution authorizing ordering and calling an election November 5, 2024, to consider (In Lieu Of) an ad valorem property tax millage for Fire Protection District No. 15, for the purpose of operating and maintaining said District’s fire protection facilities and equipment, and paying the cost of obtaining water for fire protection purposes, including charges for fire hydrant rentals and service within said District
- Consideration of liquor permit for Azazat Investment, LLC dba Cameron Country Store, 7210 Gulf Beach Hwy, Cameron LA 70631
- Motion to accept lowest responsive bid for the Re-Bid of Private Property Debris Removal – Batch 2, NON-RACM
- Consideration of Bids for Fire Truck for South Cameron Consolidated Fire Districts
- Consideration of Muria Fire Station Project
- Review and accept the monthly financial statements and budget to actual comparison
- Motion that approved Bills be Paid
Adjourn Meeting
* Indicating Add-ons
View the official Agenda here.