MONDAY, JULY 2, 2018
3:00 P.M.
Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
- Approval of Minutes
- Approval of Add-ons:
- Drilling & Pipeline Permits:
- White Oak Operating Company, LLC – Cameron, Section 22, T14S, R9W, (proposed
drill location to drill the ER & CF Henry 27 SWD No. 2 Well on an existing limestone pad), Cameron Parish, LA (180704)
- Targa Resources Partners, LP – Johnson Bayou, Sections 21, 22, 23, 24, T15S, R13W, (proposed installation of two new pipeline segments in order to connect existing pipeline to existing adjacent facilities), Cameron Parish, LA. (180708)
- White Oak Operating Company, LLC – Cameron, Section 22, T14S, R9W, (proposed
- Other Permits:
- Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 5 – Grand Chenier, Sections 10,14, 15,
T15S, R5W, (proposed to restore drainage by cleaning out an existing drainage lateral and replace existing water control structures along with installing additional water control structure), Cameron Parish, LA. (180701)
- Debra Savoie Properties, LLC – Hackberry, Pierce Lane, Section 49, T12S, R10W, (proposed developed of RV Park that will provide 60 lots for individuals to park their recreational vehicles for recreational use and work), Cameron Parish, LA. (180702)
- Trouth and Ruiz, LLC – Hackberry, North of Christy Dr., Section 44, T12S, R10W, (proposed to construct Salt Grass at Bon Ton Bay, an 18-lot waterfront RV community and excavation of an access canal with installation of bulkhead along with water and sewer utilities to the site), Cameron Parish, LA. (180703)
- Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America, LLC – Johnson Bayou, Section 7 & 8, T15S, R15W, (proposed to construct Natural Gas Compressor Station No. 348 on a new elevated 43,200 square-foot onshore platform that will be located adjacent to an existing meter platform owned by Kinder Morgan Louisiana Pipeline LLC and a new
- Cameron Parish Gravity Drainage District No. 5 – Grand Chenier, Sections 10,14, 15,
natural gas-fired Solar Titan 130 turbine compressor unit, along with auxiliary facilities), Cameron Parish, LA. (180705)
- Kimdell Scott Savoie – Sweetlake, O’Blanc Rd., Section 22, T12S, R7W, (proposed excavation of pond to provide fill material for house pad and driveway for future homesite), Cameron Parish, LA. (180706), Cameron Parish, LA. (180706)
- Ty Marcus Savoie – Sweetlake, O’Blanc Rd., Section 30, T12S, R7W, (proposed excavation of pond to provide fill material for house pad, shop pad, and driveway for future homesite), Cameron Parish, LA. (180707)
- Texas Gas Transmission, LLC – Lowry, Section 7, T12S, R4W, (proposed to conduct maintenance on existing LJL 10-inch natural gas pipeline (PN 9854) to repair structural anomalies), Cameron Parish, LA. (180709)
- Kinetica Partners, LLC – West of Superior Canal, Section 33, T15S, R3W, (proposed removal of 12-inch pipeline, Line No. 507A-1000), Cameron Parish, LA. (180710)
- Delta Land Services LLC – Grand Lake, Lat 30 1 51.62, Long -93 10 28.88, (proposed to establish the South Fork II Coastal Mitigation Bank as an OCM and Corps of Engineers approved mitigation bank; Project involves hydrologic restoration by degrading existing spoil banks and back filling borrow areas, and conversion of existing tallow infested abandoned pasture into coastal prairie and fresh intermediate marsh), Cameron Parish, LA. (180711)
7. Consider the following Revision to Cameron Parish Code of Ordinances:
• Chapter 14 Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Section 14-60 (a.1) Notwithstanding
the above provisions; these vehicles are not allowed at the following beaches:
Add the following: Item – (3) Rutherford Beach area. Within the State Lease No. 2663 herein described, the following vehicles: off-road vehicles, vehicles without a valid vehicle license and motor vehicles, are prohibited from designated areas, identified by signage, beginning from the dune area located approximately 760’ west of Rutherford Beach Drive, eastward approximately 1.25 miles, ending at the eastern edge of the State Lease Line.
- Approve Payment of Police Jury 2018 Region Dues – $250
- Approve 2018 LegisGator Luncheon Table
- Approve Cameron Fishing Festival Sponsorship
- President Authority to Sign Resolution updating Procurement Procedures for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Programs
- PresidentAuthoritytoSignFEMAPublicAssistanceNon-FederalShareMatch2016 Program Agreement
- President Authority to Sign Mosquito Control Letter of Authorization for Emergency Aerial Contract for 2018
- Approve Revision to Change Order No. 4 – Courthouse Renovations – Total Contract Increase – $17,563.73, originally approved $14,697.10, COR #26 – reuse asphalt sections parking lot – revised decrease ($20,228.75), original decrease approved ($23,095.38)
- Consideration of Change Order No. 5 – Courthouse Renovations, additional work identified (as described below) – Total Contract Increase – $17,386.29, increase in contract time 10 additional days
a. COR #31 – additional Finish Hardware for changes due to security requirement –increase $3,683.63, increase in contract time 4 days.
b. COR #32 – additional electrical per changes – increase $13,702.66, increase incontract time 6 days
- Consideration of Change Order No. 1 – Courthouse Security Installation – Total Contract Increase – $5,250.00, approved changes to security system per fire marshall regulations
- President Authority to Sign a Resolution of Support for the BUILD grant application to Department of Transportation
18. PayBills Adjourn Meeting
∗ Indicating Add-ons