2:00 P.M.
Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
- Executive Session
- Hurricane Insurance LitigationDiscussion
- Coastal Litigation Update
- Approval of Minutes
- Approval of Add-Ons:
- Other Permits:
- Garrett Dugas Properties, LLC. – Klondike, Off Louisiana Ave., (proposed excavation of (50’x 85’) pond, (50’x 80’) construction of residential home, installation of utilities, (50’ x 30’) driveway and culvert; this will result in approximately 2,413 cubic yards of fill material will stay on site, and construction of (60’x 5’) wharf with (30’x 30’) covered deck), Cameron Parish, LA. (230401)
- Select Oilfield Services, LLC – Lowry, Lacassine National Wildlife Refuge, Section 18, T12S, R04W; Section 19, T12S, R04W, (proposed to P & A and remove structures associated with 11 wells located in Lacassine NWR), Cameron Parish, LA. (230402)
- TC Energy – ANR Pipeline Company – Grand Chenier, Crain Bros Offshore Dock Road, and Grand Chenier Highway, (proposes to disconnect a third-party pipeline from the Hog Bayou Meter Station. Project activities will consist of replacement of two existing flanges with installation of a blind flange on the existing meter station), Cameron Parish, LA. (230403)
- Donald H. Sobba – Hackberry, 249 Pierce Mitchell Lane, (proposed to construct a (6’ x 175’) walkway and (12’ x 24’) fishing pier for recreational use), Cameron Parish, LA. (230404)
- Texas Eastern Transmission, LP. – Grand Chenier, Section 24, T14S, R07W, (proposed to abandon its existing Grand Chenier Compressor Station and appurtenances), Cameron Parish, LA. (230405)
- Adam and Marlie Martin – Sweetlake, Off West Precht Road, (proposed excavation of pond, approximately 14,174 cy to provide (150’ x 230’) house pad, shop pad and installation of driveway – all material to remain onsite), Cameron Parish, LA. (230406)
- Port Arthur Pipeline, LLC – Johnson Bayou, Section 7, 13, 18, T15S, R15W, (proposed to transport domestic natural gas as feed gas supply for a natural gas liquefication as part of the Port Arthur LNG Liquefaction Project, previously permitted under 20170105), Cameron Parish, LA. (230407)
- Appointments:
- Lower Cameron Hospital District Board – (TABLED FROM LAST MONTH)
- Fire Protection District No. 15 – (TABLED FROM LAST MONTH) Appoint Matt Hudson
- Gravity Drainage District No. 4 – Michael Semien, term expired
- Proclamation – Declare April 2023 as Fair Housing Month
- Proclamation – Declare April 10 – 14, 2023 as National Community Development Week
- Proclamation – Declare April 23 – 29, 2023 as National Library Week
- Approval of Resolution authorizing president to execute necessary documents for the donation of the boat launch on Davis Rd. from CP Marine Offloading, LC c/o Venture Global LNG, Inc.
- Conduct Public Hearing for proposed amendments to Chapter 10 Article VII. Temporary Food Service – Festival and Fairs, to add the Village of Cameron
Sec 10-69 – Temporary Food Vendors: Holly Beach and Village of Cameron (Effective June 30, 2023) - Authority to amend parish Ordinance – Chapter 10 Article VII. Temporary Food Service – Festival and Fairs, to add the Village of Cameron.
Sec 10-69 – Temporary Food Vendors: Holly Beach and Village of Cameron (Effective June 30, 2023) - Authority to advertise for bids for the Official Journal
- Approve Cameron Council on Aging Meal Program Appropriation of $12,000.00
- Conduct Public Hearing to abandon Parish Road 233, Twin Oaks Road, approximately 1845 ft. located in Sections 3 & 41, T15S, R6w, Grand Chenier, LA
- Adopt resolution to abandon Parish Road 233, Twin Oaks Road, Grand Chenier, LA
- Consideration of bids for the Courthouse and Jail repairs
- Approval of resolution authorizing president to sign Multi-Jurisdictional Agreement for 2023 workforce development
- Consideration of change order to DRC Contract for PPDR, add hauling fee in the amount of $.30 cents per cubic yard/per mile over 25 miles
- President authority to sign CEA with DOTD for donated RAP from Hwy 82 project in Grand Chenier, LA
- President authority to sign proposal from Lonnie Harper & Associates for the Final plans and bidding documents for the Marshall Street Pump Project
- Consideration of leasing Health Unit Building to the Lower Cameron Hospital Board during construction of new SCMH and president authority to execute CEA
- Consideration of change order for the Cameron Multipurpose Building Post Hurricane Restoration LOC 36. Increase amount by $18,394.41 and increase time by 213 days, for extended general conditions for duration of delay due to replacement of elevator system electronic components.
- Approve Police Jury Association of LA 2023 Region meeting dues in the amount of $250
- Review and accept the monthly financial statements and budget to actual comparison
- Pay Bills
Adjourn Meeting