FRIDAY, MAY 15, 2020
11:00 A.M.

Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
  4. Approval of Minutes
  5. Approval of Add-ons:
  6. Other Permits:
    a. Austin Gautreaux – Hackberry, Sam Breaux Road, Section 36, T12S, R10W, (proposed excavation activities of (246 ft. x 30 ft.) canal and two (20 ft. x 20 ft.) boat slips with walkway to provide water/boat access to fishing camp and for the unauthorized preexisting fill, approximately 328 yards placed on the property by previous landowner), Cameron Parish, LA (200501)
    b. Kinder Morgan – NW Hackberry, Section 36, T11S, R12W, Section 36, T12S, R14W, (proposed typical deep hole anode ground bed installation along an existing 8- inch pipeline for cathodic protection at Sites 1 and 2), Cameron Parish, LA (200502)
    c. Clinton Cradeur – Big Lake, 342 Martin Hebert Street, Section 26, T12S, R9W, (proposed extension of existing wharf to construct boathouse with lift), Cameron Parish, LA (200503)
    d. Sabine Pass LNG, L.P. – Johnson Bayou, Sections 18, 19, 20, T15S, R15W, (proposed SPLNG Third Berth Expansion Project; project consist of an additional Third Marine Berth and supporting facilities, approximately 3.6 million cubic yards of native material to be excavated and pumped offsite to disposal area at Louisiana Point), Cameron Parish, LA. (200504)
    e. Tom Barrett – Big Lake, Ismay Harbor Subdivision Lot 6 & 7, Sections 26 & 27, T12S, R9W, (proposed construction of (60 x 70) homesite, driveway, wharf and boathouse and installation of approx. 214 ft. of bulkhead), Cameron Parish, LA. (200505)
  7. Appointments:
    a. Gravity Drainage District No. 5 – Anthony Swire, term expired
    b. Gravity Drainage District No. 5 – Karl Nunez, term expired
    c. Gravity Drainage District No. 5 – Jimmy Roberts, term expired
    d. Gravity Drainage District No. 5 – Jeffery Richard, term expired
    e. Recreation District No. 5 – Mary Carroll, term expired
    f. Recreation District No. 7 – James Duhon, term expired
    g. Recreation District No. 7 – Kimily Doxey, term expired
    h. Waterworks District No. 11 – Carl Granger, term expired
    i. Waterworks District No. 11 – open seat from Bryan Granger Resignation, (tabled from March)
  8. Conduct Public Hearing for Proposed Amendments to Chapter 12 Library Section 12-3 Board of Control

    Change to read:
    (a) The governing authority of the parish shall, in the ordinance creating a public library, name and appoint, at its option, not less than five citizens nor more than seven citizens of the parish as a board of control for such parish library to serve for terms of one, two, three, four, and five years, the successors of whom shall each be appointed for a term of five years. The president of the police jury shall be ex officio, a member of the board of control for such public library, provided however that the president of the police jury shall have the right to designate another member of the governing authority of the parish to serve in his place and stead on the board of control of such public library.

  9. Authority to Amend Parish Ordinance – Chapter 12 Library Section 12-3 Board of Control

    Change to read:
    (a) The governing authority of the parish shall, in the ordinance creating a public library, name and appoint, at its option, not less than five citizens nor more than seven citizens of the parish as a board of control for such parish library to serve for terms of one, two, three, four, and five years, the successors of whom shall each be appointed for a term of five years. The president of the police jury shall be ex officio, a member of the board of control for such public library, provided however that the president of the police jury shall have the right to designate another member of the governing authority of the parish to serve in his place and stead on the board of control of such public library.

  10. Conduct Public Hearing for Proposed Amendments to Chapter 14 Motor Vehicles and Traffic – Article III Operation of Vehicles Generally – Add to Sec. 14-35 Speed Limits

    (e) It shall be unlawful to operate any motor vehicles on the following parish roads at a speed in excess of fifteen (15) miles per hour PARISH ROAD 225 (MILLER AVE) GRAND CHENIER, LA

  11. Authority to Amend Parish Ordinance – Chapter 14 Motor Vehicles and Traffic – Article III Operation of Vehicles Generally – Add to Sec. 14-35 Speed Limits

    (e) It shall be unlawful to operate any motor vehicles on the following parish roads at a speed in excess of fifteen (15) miles per hour PARISH ROAD 225 (MILLER AVE) GRAND CHENIER, LA

  12. Conduct Public Hearing to abandon the North end of Parish Road 3135 (C Street), approximately 120 ft; located in Section 31, T14S, R9W, Cameron, LA
  13. Adopt Resolution to abandon the North end of Parish Road 3135 (C Street), approximately 120 ft; located in Section 31, T14S, R9W, Cameron, LA
  14. President Authority to sign Disaster 4484 – COVID-19 Funding Agreement
  15. Proclamation – Declare May 2020 as Cameron Community Action Month
  16. Proclamation – Declare May 2020 as Older Americans Month
  17. Authorize Resolution and authority for President to sign for purchase of Hackberry Property on behalf of Cameron Parish Library from Homer & Lanell Thompson in the amount of $101,400.00, (0.7196 ACRE OR 31,346 SQ. FT) located at the corner of 613 Main Street & 120 Legion Road, Hackberry, LA for the new Hackberry Library Location.
  18. President authority to sign Resolution of Support for CWPPRA Priority Project List 30
  19. Authority to Advertise for Bids for the NAWCA Grant US-LA-173-4, Creole Marsh II, Funded Kings Bayou Water Control Structure Project.
  20. Accept Bid for Official Journal
  21. Designate Mary Carroll Records Retention Officer
  22. Approve Liquor permit for Cameron Landing Restaurant & Bar, LLC, 1755 Marshall Street, Cameron, LA 70631
  23. Authority to Advertise for Request for Proposals to provide program management for FEMA Public Assistance Program
  24. Authority to Advertise for Request for Proposals to provide disaster management and recovery monitoring services contract
  25. Authority to Advertise for request for proposals to provide debris removal and disposal services
  26. President Authority to sign CEA between LSU AgCenter and Cameron Parish Police Jury for 5-year agreement Operation of Cooperative Extension Office
  27. President to Authority to sign Resolution authorizing the Cameron Parish Police Jury Administrator to sign all documents relevant to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
  28. Pay Bills
  29. Executive Session – Chad Mudd, Mudd and Bruchhaus Law Firm Discussion of outstanding Litigation and Appropriate action on Coastal Bill Legislation:

    The Parish of Cameron v. Alpine Exploration, et al 18-CV-00684
    The Parish of Cameron v. Anadarko E&P Onshore LLC, et al 18-CV-00689
    The Parish of Cameron v. Apache Corporation, et al 18-CV-00688
    The Parish of Cameron v. Atlantic Richfield, et al 18-CV-00686
    The Parish of Cameron v. Auster Oil, et al 18-CV-00677
    The Parish of Cameron v. Ballard Exploration, et al 18-CV-00678
    The Parish of Cameron v. Bay Coquille, et al 18-CV-00685
    The Parish of Cameron v. BEPCO, et al 18-CV-00690
    The Parish of Cameron v. BP America, et al 18-CV-00687
    The Parish of Cameron v. Brammer Engineering, et al 18-CV-00679
    The Parish of Cameron v. Burlington Resources, et al 18-CV-00682

Adjourn Meeting


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