FRIDAY, JULY 8, 2022
2:00 P.M.
Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
- Approval of Minutes
- Approval of Add-Ons:
- Drilling & Pipeline Permits:
- Robertson Energy – West Hackberry, Section 17 T12S, R12W (proposed structures for drilling and producing the JB Watkins No. 241 Well from existing well site), Cameron Parish, LA. 220702
- Other Permits:
- ICON Environmental – Johnson Bayou, Latitude 29 48 05.07, Longitude -93 28 31.91 (Mecom Ranch Site; proposed soil boring and monitor well installation and assess environmental impacts from historical and active Oil and Gas E & P of the Mecom Ranch Site), Cameron Parish, LA. 220701
- Appointments:
- Fire Protection District No. 10 – Glen Trahan, term expired
- Fire Protection District No. 16 – Darrell Hebert, term expired
- Recreation District No. 7 – Robin Morales, term expired
- Johnson Bayou Recreation District – Calise Romero, term expired
- Lower Cameron Hospital District – Dinah Billings, term expired. Appoint Stephanie Rodrigue
- Ratification and clarification of last month’s appoint of Carol “Bobbie” Fountain to the West Cal-Cam Hospital Board for Joe Devall’s remainder of term due to his resignation
- Ratification for President authority to sign Amendment No. 1 for the Intergovernmental Agreement between CPRA and CPPJ, contract No. 200048664 regarding Rockefeller Shoreline Stabilization Project (ME-0035 to extend the termination date from May 12, 2022, to December 21, 2024
- Approve Financial Statement Audit Report for year ending December 31, 2021
- Authority to give Waterworks District No. 7 employees incentive raises for certifications
- Authority to advertise for bids for the OEP Pavilion
- Approve 2022 LegisGator Luncheon Table $720.00 (Friday, August 19, 2022)
- Authority to Adopt IT Disaster/Recovery Policy (Recommended by LLA)
- Authorize renewal of employee group insurance policies for policy year September 2022 thru 2023
- Group Hospitalization
- Group Dental & Vision
- Group Life
- Authority to get fair market value on Cameron Dump property, and authority to negotiate purchase of 20 acres, CPPJ currently leases 2.0567 acres
- Authority to get fair market value on Lakeside Boat Launch Property located in Klondike, and authority to negotiate to purchase property where boat launch and parking lot is located
- Authority to get fair market value on Klondike Dump property, and authority to negotiate lease with new owner
- Approve 2022-2023 Imperial Calcasieu Regional Planning Development Commission (IMCAL) membership dues in the amount of $4,787.30
- Review and accept the monthly financial statements and budget to actual comparison
- Pay Bills
Adjourn Meeting