2:00 P.M.
Cameron Parish Police Jury
West Annex – Board Room
148 Smith Circle, Cameron, LA
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance/Prayer
- Approval of Minutes
- Approval of Add-Ons:
- Other Permits:
a. ANR Pipeline Company – Near Johnson Bayou, Section 2, T15S, R13W, Section 36, T14S, R13W, (proposed to conduct anomaly dig investigations and repairs at (6) neighboring dig sites along existing 16-inch outside diameter natural gas pipeline as part of routine maintenance of the pipeline), Cameron Parish, LA. (210201)
b. Energy Transfer – Little Florida Beach, Lat. 29 45 21.52, Long -93 36 17.04, (proposed (3) geo-tech soil bores needed to collect information for the Stingray Pipeline Lowering Project previously submitted under P20200603), Cameron Parish, LA (210202)
c. BP America Production Company – Big Lake, Section 9, T12S, R9W, (proposed additional collection of environmental soil samples at the Geer Property for further site investigation of a former oil and gas exploration and production facility), Cameron Parish, LA. (210203)
d. Enlink Midstream – Grand Chenier, Section 4, T15S, R6W, (proposed ANR valve site blowdown vent inspection/repair; excavate and expose existing 12-inch pipeline to inspect the integrity of the connection and make repairs as necessary, excavated area to be restored to pre-project conditions), Cameron Parish, LA. (210204)
e. Sabine Pass LNG, L.P. – Johnson Bayou, Lat. 29 45 48.39, Long. -93 51 55.22, (proposed LA State Hwy 82 Road Intersection Improvements Project; the work will include a dedicated left-turn from Hwy. 82 for traffic entering the SPLNG terminal from the east. Additionally, a right-turn lane will be constructed on Lighthouse Road for vehicles exiting the SPLNG Terminal intending to travel eastbound on Hwy. 82. The visitor parking area outside the Terminal to be modified to increase the number of parking spaces and convert the one-way driveway to a two-way driveway for the purpose and need to reduce the potential for safety incidents and increase the capacity of the roadway infrastructure), Cameron Parish, LA. (210205) - Appointments:
a. Cameron Water & Wastewater District No. 1 – Fred Sanders, term expired
b. Cameron Parish Port Harbor & Terminal District – Sheila Miller, term expired
c. Cameron Parish Port Harbor & Terminal District – Kay Picou, term expired
d. Cameron Parish Port Harbor & Terminal District – Tim Dupont, term expired
e. Cameron Parish Port Harbor & Terminal District – Ricky Poole, term expired
f. Cameron Parish Port Harbor & Terminal District – Dwight Savoie, term expired
g. Cameron Parish Port Harbor & Terminal District – Howard Romero, term expired
h. Cameron Parish Port Harbor & Terminal District – Jimmy Brown, term expired
i. Cameron Parish Port Harbor & Terminal District – Wendell Wilkerson, term expired
j. Recreation District No. 6 – Remove Matthew Rodrigue, (moved out of parish), appoint Stephanie Rodrigue for remainder of term
k. Recreation District No. 6 – Crystal Savoie, term expired
l. Mosquito Abatement Control – Delia “DeDe” Sanders, term expired
m. Fire Protection District No. 10 – Sam Coleman, term expired
n. Fire Protection District No. 10 – Larry Jinks, term expired
o. Fire Protection District No. 14 – Gene Reese, term expired - Approve Property Insurance Quotes – Louisiana Companies
- Authority Audit Engagement Agreement with Gragson, Casiday & Guillory, LLP for the Year ending December 31, 2020
- President Authority to sign Compliance Questionnaire with Gragson, Casiday, & Guillory, LLP
- President Authority to sign annual LPA Assurance Letter with DOTD
- Authorize Payment for Police Jury Association Dues – $7,200.00
- Authorize operations of food trucks parish-wide for another 6 months
- President Authority to sign Amendment No. 1 on contract between CPPJ and Waste Management for trash pickup
- Approve Rigid Constructors, LLC, Change Order No. 2 – CDBG Rockefeller Shoreline Protection Project (ME-37/PARA3301) Increase Cost $38,292.00 – to modify pile material for lighted daybeacons from treated timber to steel pipe piling and increase contract time 15 additional days
- Approve to add 80 hours of COVID-19 leave to the employee sick leave policy
- Pay Bills
Adjourn Meeting
* Indicating Add-ons